BORNBROKEN Album Review: “Am I Invisible”

“Am I Invisible”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


BornBroken are a thrash metal band from Canada formed in 2008 releasing three albums to date – ‘The Healing Powers Of Hate’ (2013), ‘The Years Of Harsh Truths And Little Lies’ (2018), and ‘Am I Invisible’…

…emerging in 2024 featuring ten songs across a ferocious forty eight minutes! The band – Mike Marino (bass), Michael Decker (vocals, guitar), Carlos Ojeda (drums) and Ron Henx (guitar), are in devastating form, wreaking havoc right from the off with a ferocity greater than a coming together of bands such as Chimaira, Decapitated, Fear Factory and Machine Head – so brace yourselves readers, BornBroken are coming for ya at a hundred fucking miles an hour! The aggression is thunderbolt and lightning, the harsh vocals of singer Decker very very frightening, and the head bang ability is likely to snap necks in multiple places as listeners violently rock their heads back and forth in a vain attempt to keep pace with the band – a band that comes screaming outta the blocks with ‘Time Pays No Respect’. Rammed to the hilt with menacing scowls, howls and growls, ‘Time Pays No Respect’ is an aggression fuelled blend of groove metal and thrash with just a sprinkling of hardcore and metalcore!

A simply jaw dropping opener from the Montreal based metallers to grab the attentions of every single listener around the world, ‘Am I Invisible’ storming on with an increased level of fury courtesy of the title song ‘Am I Invisible’. And the simple answer is “no, you’re not” – BornBroken clearly visible to metalheads everywhere, the bands savage sonic onslaught commanding the airways in all one hundred and ninety five (as of 2024) recognised countries in the world! The brutality of the opening brace is sensational, BornBroken oozing a force greater than Strong Nuclear Force – which is one hundred trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity! And no, I haven’t gone trigger happy with my typing, “one hundred trillion trillion trillion times” is quite correct! And with no let up in the unforgiving ferocity, the band march on with the ground shuddering groove metal stomper ‘Will You Remember’ – the howling, scowling vocals lacerating the sky! BornBroken aren’t just devastating towns and cities here, they’re fucking annihilating ’em, the bands ferocious nature a violent maelstrom to test just how strong you are! And believe me, you’re gonna have to be stronger than Hercules to withstand the bands savage onslaught – an onslaught that powers on at pace with ‘How Strong You Are’, the band dropping a couple of gears after just twelve seconds to adopt the mighty groove metal stomp of earlier, this time around featuring a punchier crunch that’ll snap bones like they’re fucking matchsticks!

I tell ya readers, there’s no where to hide from the bands relentless thunder, fire and brimstone barrage of brutality, not even in the comfort of your own mind, the band breezing through from ear to ear with total authority, ‘Conflicting Lies’ maintaining the levels of everything at maximum! And quite possibly beyond, the bombastic punches pouring outta ‘Conflicting Lies’ knocking every listener through the fucking wall, down the stairs and into the bloody basement! There’s so much aggression and menace on display it’s terrifying, anyone with a weak constitution better watch out, ‘Am I Invisible’ (the album) in all honesty. may not be the album for you! But for the rest of us it most certainly is, ‘Scabs & Scars’ taking over the baton from the previous song. And instead of running with it, ‘Scabs & Scars’ uses it in the most violent way to bludgeon every listener, fan and follower! The pace here is phenomenal with an energy level higher than what was needed to power the Large Hadron Collider in Cerne, Switzerland, during 2012’s “splitting the atom” experiment! Un-fucking-believable! Isn’t there anything that can stop the bands relentless metal march! I highly doubt it, and I ain’t even gonna look either, I’m enjoying ‘Am I Invisible’ (the album) so much I don’t wanna it to stop! Which it doesn’t, the band roaring on with ‘Mondays’, exhibiting a more abrasive nature than heard any where else on the album, BornBroken mixing their aggression fuelled menace loaded-to-the-hilt roots with an even rougher, tougher and gruffer style of thrash!

The band are a relentless metal machine with an endless battery life, no re-charging needed here, although for the first forty seconds, ‘Fold’ displays a mellowness not heard any where else on the album, ‘Fold’ progressing to accelerate hard to fly faster than the speed of fucking light! And with the speed of light recorded at 186,000 miles per second, ‘Fold’ is fast, very fast! Yet the band also indulge in an array of gear changes, both down and up to send ‘Fold’ spiralling in every direction across metal territory! Simply scorching stuff from the Montreal based metal machine, a machine that powers on enraged and full of anger with the fastest song on offer ‘Age Of Anger’. And here the band do turn the levels of everything up higher than maximum, the already through the roof head bang ability aiming for infinity! And beyond! And that groove metal breakdown from three minutes forty seconds is just orgasmic! Fuck me I think a little sex wee just came out! ‘The Day I Died Inside’ ends the album at the other end of the metal spectrum from the previous nine songs, portraying a darker, more menacing side to the band, the albums instrumental finale oozing a tortured, almost haunting feel that mirrors the sentiment of the songs title.

Overall, an aggression fuelled, raging firestorm of fierce savagery, ‘Am I Invisible’ is a brutal onslaught of devastating thrash metal.


Time Pays No Respect
Am I Invisible
Will You Remember
How Strong You Are
Conflicting Lies
Scabs & Scars
Age of Anger
The Day I Die Inside

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities