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Stacey Fawcett caught up with Jason Decay from Cauldron for an email based interview:
Hello, I’m Stacey from Metal Gods TV, how are you today?
Good! Just driving around London trying to find this Crypt of the Wizard shop…
How old were you when you started listening to rock and metal music?
7 or 8 years old, around the time that ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ video was on TV all the time.
What/who inspired you to become musicians?
My next door neighbour and big brother Jason Gauthier got me into Metallica at a very young age, I believe it was the song ‘Four Horsemen’ in particular and he also sold me my first electric guitar.
When you were writing the songs for this album, what was the process like for you?
It was either sit down in the bedroom with the guitar for the songs that I solely wrote or jamming on some of Ian’s riffs at our practice space; that’s how it usually begins and then we spend a couple of years shaping and forming them as a band.
What would you like an audience member to take away from a Cauldron gig?
An appreciation for live music, merchandise and memories that’ll last a lifetime.
What is your least favourite popular metal song?
What is metal? Anything that’s been driven too hard down mainstream radio…’Enter Sandman’!
Is there any advice you would give to those who have just formed/started their first metal band?
Listen to your ears, follow your heart, do it for your own self satisfaction first and foremost. Only sincerity becomes timeless.
What would be your dream gig destination?
Somewhere close to home; Skydome, ACC or Molson Amphitheatre.
And now for some less musical questions…
What super power would you choose, and why?
The power to decide what I want when I want, because I don’t have an answer for this question.
What food item would you have on your stage rider at a festival?
Ronnie’s and V8.
What is your favourite horror film?
Black Roses.
And finally, is there anything else that you would like to say to our readers?
Listen to your ears, follow your heart, do it for your own self satisfaction first and foremost. Only sincerity becomes timeless.