ERADICATOR Album Review: “The Paradox”

“The Paradox”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Eradicator are a thrash metal band from Germany formed in 2004 releasing six albums across a two decade career, the bands most recent release ‘The Paradox’, emerged in 2024…

…featuring ten heavy hitters across fifty menacing minutes! Not to mention the snarling aggression oozing from every one of the songs on offer, Eradicator roaming freely up and down the thrash metal spectrum to deliver probably their most varied work to date. Opening with ‘Beyond The Shadow’s Void’, the band stride into sight on the crest of a majestic wave, slamming the hammer down at the minute mark to shudder the ground and devastate the landscape! Fairly aggressive and in your face, ‘Beyond The Shadow’s Void’ is blunt and to the point, Eradicator marching forth with measured purpose and intent.

Changing up a gear – or maybe two, the band are in full flight for ‘Drown In Chaos’, Eradicator vigorously rocking the heads of every listener, fan and follower around the world, the albums opening brace coming at you from opposite ends of thrash metal territory! However, both songs are filled to the brim with aggression and menace, the vocals a raspy throaty howl to match the abrasive nature of the music – music that’s undeniably thrash metal music! The band keep the pedal firmly pressed to the metal as ‘When The Shooting Begins’ comes hurtling down the autobahn at top speed, pushing everyone and everything outta the way! I tell ya readers, the one place you don’t wanna be is in front of this German metal machine – you’re gonna get crushed! Or at least an array of broken bones, cuts and bruises, ‘The Paradox’ slowing down for no-one but the band – ‘Kill Cloud’ adopting a bouncy yet brash nature, Eradicator melding traditional heavy metal traits with their root thrash metal sound. Everything heard so far has come from a different corner of the thrash metal genre, and believe me there’s a lot of corners in there, definitely more than I can count on the fingers of one hand!

The band on the other hand, can count higher than me, the album storming on at high velocity courtesy of the title song ‘The Paradox’, every mosh pit around the world bursting with walls and circles of death! Not a place for the faint of the heart, anyone with a nervous disposition better sit this one out, ‘The Paradox’ (the song) banging heads the hardest since the album began! The intensity of the album too has been top shelf, the band grabbing a tight hold of listeners attentions with no intention of letting ’em go, ‘Hell Smiles Back’ maintaining the immense barrage of savagery roaring out of Lennestadt, the four piece band breezing through every town and city like a fucking tornado! ‘The Eleventh Hour (Ramble On)’ clocks in at nearly seven minutes in length to make it the longest song on the album, the band showing incredible variety here, striding from metal genre to metal genre to offer something for everyone – the mid tempo pace accompanied by a menacing yet melancholy backdrop! Eradicator stay away from top gear here too, listeners everywhere taking the opportunity for a breather and to re-charge!

‘Cause a full charge is what you need for the final threesome, ‘Perpetual Sacrifice’ beginning the race to the finish at blistering speed, the level of head bang ability shooting right through the fucking roof – a shit tonne of thunder, fire and brimstone burning brightly! And keeping the fire burning, ‘Fake Dealer’ sets off at a hundred and sixty kilometres an hour, Eradicator fully resurrecting the albums all conquering intensity after the earlier breather! Head bang-able to the max, ‘Fake Dealer’ is just a warm up for the albums final hurrah, the six minutes plus ‘Debris Of Demise’. Opening with a bold menacing march, ‘Debris Of Demise’ quickly builds into a fast and furious gallop of all out thrash, every head banger in the world having fun with this one!

Overall, a full on and speedy thrash metal assault loaded with high levels of aggression, menace and head bang ability.


Beyond The Shadow’s Void
Drown In Chaos
When The Shooting Begins
Kill Cloud
The Paradox
Hell Smiles Back
The Eleventh Hour (Ramble On)
Perpetual Sacrifice
Fake Dealer
Debris of Demise

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities