GENGIS KHAN E.P. Review: “Masters Of My Sins”

“Masters Of My Sins”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Gengis Khan are a heavy metal band from Italy formed in 2012 by vocalist Frank Leone, releasing their debut album ‘Gengis Khan Was A Rocker’ in 2013, sophomore album ‘Colder Than Heaven’ in 2021, and third album ‘Possessed By The Moon’ in 2022.

‘Masters Of My Sins’ is the bands second E.P. released in December 2023 (following their 2019 ‘Gengis Khan’ E.P.), featuring five songs across a thundering twenty two minutes! And a meaner, moodier, and darker vibe than heard on ‘Possessed By The Moon’ – Gengis Khan moving from a power come heavy metal point of view, to deliver a sound more akin to the likes of Venom, Mercyful Fate and Angel Witch. The E.P. opens with the title song ‘Masters Of My Sins’, the band quickly into their stride, hammering the ground with an immense amount of force! The bludgeoning nature of ‘Masters Of My Sins’ (the song) is fairly brutal, Gengis Khan stepping on the accelerator across the chorus break to adopt the iconic “foot on the monitor” gallop of traditional heavy metal.

And it’s that gallop that features highly as ‘Nightmare’ gets underway, a faster paced and insanely head bang-able march of old school metal – the kinda metal that made the eighties such a great fucking time for heavy metal evolution! Bands such as Iron Maiden, Samson and Saxon re-wrote the direction of heavy metal coming outta the seventies, and with the likes of Gengis Khan around, heavy metal is in very safe hands – the band maintaining the E.P.’s incredible intensity with the bustling ‘The Seventh Heaven’. Featuring a bolder, brasher feel than either of the two previous songs, ‘The Seventh Heaven’ is gonna pummel the senses heavily of every listener everywhere.

‘Rising From Hell’ lurches forth at a more mid tempo pace than everything heard previously, yet loses nothing of the phenomenal intensity level the band has exhibited since song one minute one! Gengis Khan are hellbent on delivering the heaviest yet most melodious heavy metal they can, and with ‘Masters Of My Sins’ E.P. I can confidently say the band have achieved their objective! And closing out the E.P. ‘In The Land Of Darkness’ is the longest song on offer, clocking in at over six minutes in length, Gengis Khan slowing the tempo even more to incorporate a deft touch of the progressive nature of metal – and then BOOM! Electrifying pace takes over, ‘In The Land Of Darkness’ hurtling on at the most head bang-able friendly pace you could ever wish for.

Overall, a feisty five song surge of old school heavy metal with plenty of modern touches to attract old and new fans alike.


Masters Of My Sins
The Seventh Heaven
Rising From Hell
In The Land Of Darkness

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities