JD MILLER Album Review: “Afterglow”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


JD Miller are a melodic hard rock band from Sweden formed in 2011, releasing their debut album ‘Grand Intentions’, in 2014, and its follow up ‘World War X’, in 2017. The bands third album ‘Afterglow’ was released in 2019.

The new album from Swedish hard rockers JD Miller, is a much more melodic affair than ‘World War X’, and includes many hints of the AOR genre. For fifty minutes across eleven songs, the band entertain and enthral you with catchy melodies and infectious rhythms. Opener ‘Inside A Dream’ is an up tempo melodic rock swagger, that gets the feet tapping, head nodding and a smile open wide across your face as you exclaim “yea,,,”. ‘Game Of Love’ is harder edged and more punchy than the albums opening song, and the chorus is a thoroughly sing a long able affair, that will have everyone at a live show singing along to. The rock hardness that JD Miller showed on their previous album comes to the fore with ‘Inception’, a hard rock gem with so much addictiveness sewn in, you’re gonna become an instant addict. Jack hammer style rhythms stun the senses as ‘Icarus’ takes flight, the melodic edge across the chorus giving off a “get this party started” kinda vibe.

‘Afterglow’ is giving one of the years best performances in the melodic/AOR arena, ‘Light Your Fire’ igniting a spark of energy and bombast, as it punches and crunches its way to an end, all the while maintaining the albums overall infectious melodic hook. ‘In The Afterglow’ (I guess the title song) takes the album into power ballad territory, with listeners holding lighters aloft, swaying from side to side and slow dancing late in to the night, as ‘In The Afterglow’ stretches to an incredible eight minutes plus in length… ‘The Desire’ quickly returns punch to the album, hitting harder than anything on the album so far. The catchy sing a long style chorus JD Miller seem to be masters of, is highly infectious and deserves to be sung at the tops of your voices.

Such an infectious album, each song as catchy as hell, JD Miller keep the feel good factor high with the energetic bustling of ‘Burned Alive’. The hardest rocking song on the album ‘Burned Alive’ stands firmly and squarely in the hard rock genre. A burst of energy, an increase in tempo, and the album takes off with ‘The Answer’. The fastest song on offer, it pushes the limits of the rock genre as it fairly crackles with excitement. ‘Devilstorm’ is mid tempo melodic hard rock out of the top drawer. Just where the band get their catchy and infectious nature from I really don’t know, but they seem to have an endless supply, as we arrive at the final song without a drop in both the albums catchiness and infectiousness. ‘Auburn Skies’ ends the album like an all together sing along at a late night beach party.

Overall, a hard rock album that is superbly melodic, JD Miller have produced one of the years best AOR flavoured rock albums.


Inside A Dream
Game Of Love
Light Your Fire
In The Afterglow
The Desire
Burned Alive
The Answer
Auburn Skies


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