- New Shred Till You’re Dead Radio Show – April 8, 2022
- Coming Soon to MGTV YouTube Channel – March 28, 2022
- Nostalgic Look At Our Old YouTube Channel Trailer – June 12, 2021

Words of tribute by Matt Hill
There’s this guy…well actually there’s this couple, a double act that could be seen at festivals and gigs in the rock and metal fraternity.
Not exclusively, in the UK. You see it’s not just Mark, it’s always Mark and Julie. Jjust about everyone regarded as wonderful friends, a thoroughly deserved accolade. They were often the bigger stars than the bands we went to see, that’s how much love there is for such a wonderful couple. Their ever-changing fancy dress was often the highlight at Hard Rock Hell or Hammerfest. Upstaging themselves every time. Life was never taken too seriously. Then on the 2nd January, we heard the devastating news that this wonderful, gentle human being Mark Rowley, had passed away. Social media was full of tributes; the outpouring of love and friendship for this great guy, a testament that he made such a positive impression on so many people.
As if covid wasn’t bad enough, depriving people of their live music, it now had taken a larger than life character & friend to so many people. Feelings are still very much raw as I scribe these few words. When the live music venues do eventually re-open, it will no longer be the same, there will be a certain buzz missing, and that will be Mark’s huge personality. At the moment there are tears but our happy memories of Mark will always remain. Our thoughts go out to his much-loved partner Julie, children, and the family. Rock in peace Mark.

R.I.P Mark Rowley everyone’s friend

Footnote by Mick ‘The Beard’ Staley
Mark was known by and a friend of the MGTV staff since its conception in 2005. It will be strange not to bumping him when we finally can all meet up again.
Please, please if you hear of any morons doubting this disease just tell them this story,
Rest in peace Mark