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Album Review by Iron Mathew

Sabotage are a thrash metal band from India formed in 2017, releasing their debut E.P. ‘The Order Of Genocide’ in 2019, and full length debut album ‘Pishach’ in 2023.
Returning four years after their blistering debut release, Indian thrashers Sabotage are back to batter listeners, fans and followers with an eight song avalanche of thrash – the bands new album a roaring half hour of old school, new school, and modern metal brutality! The band are in menacing mood, setting ‘Pishach’ – derived from the Sanskrit word “Pishacha” meaning evil – on its way with the minute and a half tribal sounding, crescendo building instrumental ‘Pishach’, giving way to the blistering pace of album opener proper ‘Eye For An Eye’. The band are at full throttle here, powering across the land at incredible speed, destroying everything and everyone standing in their way! A phenomenal slice of all out aggression, Sabotage are back and doing what they do best – battering listeners with a savage display of brutality and ferocity!
Brutality and ferocity that remains in force for the bands self titled song ‘Sabotage’, the sound of old school thrash metal rising high in the air. The head bang ability of the opening double salvo has been off the charts, every metalhead around the world rocking their head back and forth at an extreme rate of knots. And with ‘Sabotage’, the band ensures everyone knows just who they are – “we are Sabotage, we will give you hell” and “bang your fucking heads, and raise them fucking horns”, just two of the many lines within ‘Sabotage’ to rabble rouse and call to arms every listener, fan, follower and (ultimately) concert goer! Bold words from the Indian outfit, but boy do they back it up – ‘Love Undead’ unbelievably increasing the speed! The band are on fire, roaring louder than ever, setting off incendiary devices left, right and fucking centre, mosh pits everywhere turning into walls and circles of death! Sabotage are savage – an unforgiving force of nature that just can’t be tamed! But then would you want to, especially when the thrash on offer is this fucking good! ‘Victory Or Valhalla’ opens with a very harsh attitude, the riffing raucous, the band battering listeners with raw energy and an immense amount of grit!
What a first half, full of savage intent and an overwhelming barrage of thrash metal – ‘Valley Of Death’ launching the (albums) second half into orbit with a hint of the galloping style of traditional heavy metal! Only a hint though, just enough to attract heavy metallers into the Sabotage soundscape – a soundscape that’s heavily rooted in thrash, the band maintaining their savage destruction of the airways! No-one and nowhere is safe from the pummelling barrage from the Indian thrashers, ‘Pishach’ (the album) storming on with the up tempo, full throttle ‘Melody Of Betrayal’ – retaining just the slightest hint of traditional metal as heard during the previous song. Sabotage may stand tall and proud in thrash metal territory, but they’re definitely not afraid to broaden their horizons to incorporate other metal styles – as along with traditional heavy metal, there’s also elements of industrial, metalcore, and the more recent all encompassing modern metal phenomena! And closing the album out, ‘Demons In Paradise’ is a ferocity laden rampage of all out aggression and brutality. Delivered with enough power to send a rocket into outer space, ‘Demons In Paradise’ is a frenetic finish to a full on and in your face album of thrash.
Overall, a brutal barrage of ferocity, Sabotage deliver an unrelenting and fierce array of fast paced savagery.
Eye For An Eye
Love Undead
Victory Or Valhalla
Valley Of Death
Melody Of Betrayal
Demons In Paradise

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities