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“Shotgun Mistress”
Album Review by Iron Mathew

Shotgun Mistress are a hard rock band from Australia, formed in 2018 by guitarist Matt Wilcock – yes, that Matt Wilcock, the renowned death metal guitarist Matt Wilcock, known for his work with The Berzerker, Akercocke, and Abramelin.
Shotgun Mistress are as far from the death metal genre as Earth is from the moon! Highly energetic hard rock is what Shotgun Mistress is all about, the band releasing a number of singles over the last two years, including 2020’s adrenalin pumping ‘Glorious Machine’. The bands self titled debut album was released in 2021, and is a rock monster, featuring thirteen songs over a hard hitting fifty five minutes. None more so than the hard hitting opener ‘Born ‘N’ Raised’ – all blazing riffs, thunderous drums and dynamic vocals. A corker of an opening shot that sets the standard for the rest of the album… An album of high intensity hard rock! Not to mention the energy levels – sky fucking high! ‘Devil In Disguise’ is heavy hitting hard rock that just beats you to a pulp – in a good way. Shotgun Mistress in just two songs have made a head turning, sit up and take notice statement. Their blend of hard rock is infectious party rock…
…with the party in full swing, as ‘Bleed Me Out’ swaggers into sight and thumps you around the head screaming “listen to me”. And listen you will, for the bands self titled debut is intoxicating. Increasing the energy and intensity, ‘No Friend Of Mine’ is a glorious high tempo romp, with the most infectious and sing a long able chorus heard so far. Every song on the album is around the four minute mark – some less, some more – making for a breathless non-stop roller coaster of high energy rock. And crikey, just where do these Aussie rockers get their energy? I want some! ‘Collide’ is a more mid tempo, but nonetheless energetic rocker – more in line with the sound of British rock, which has a much harder edge than American rock which has more of a party feel. Shotgun Mistress are showing an air of confidence to segue between the two – and in such an effortless manner too. It’s hard to believe that this is only their debut!
Without breaking a sweat, Shotgun Mistress motor forth with the hard rocking and high paced ‘Natural Disaster’. Featuring a much more American feel, ‘Natural Disaster’ actually has a more serious vibe than the party one of everything that has gone before. And don’t get me wrong, serious is not a bad thing. And neither is the Aerosmith tinged ‘Save Me From Myself’, the bluesy rock swagger of the American outfit highly evident. Along with the change in tempo to become a heavy hitting slab of rock, ‘Save Me From Myself’ continues the breathless high energy journey. Displaying a sleaze rock attitude with the hard hitting nature of British rock, ‘Glorious Machine’ proceeds to hit you right between the eyes, knocking you into next week. And knocking you further through time, is the fast paced ‘Pretty Little Thing’. The fastest song heard so far, ‘Pretty Little Thing’ is a meld of many rock styles, and a dash of the traditional heavy metal style too. Yes, heavy metal! Shotgun Mistress are really serving up a breathless experience – maybe they should be offering oxygen tanks with every CD purchased!!
And now the band showcase the iconic sound of the legendary NWOBHM guitars – with the opening riff of ‘Analyse’ taken straight outta the eighties. ‘Analyse’ has also shelved the party rock feel, for a much harder and meaner feel, one that is prevalent in British rock. Picking up the pace to become a fast and furious romp, ‘Grave Mistake’ is a glorious rumble of heavy hitting, infectious, and quite frankly. stunning heavy rock. Shotgun Mistress have not let the energy levels drop for one moment of their debut, the breathless roller coaster still in full flight. And as the penultimate song ‘Technicolor Faded’ comes thundering into view. the roller coaster certainly ain’t over yet. High paced, high energy, high intensity rock still fills the air, as ‘Technicolor Faded’ swaggers majestically to an end. And now for the final song, the roller coaster comes coasting to a stop – ‘May She Never Walk Alone’ bringing a calmness to the album never heard before. Acoustic guitar and haunting vocals lead the way, with a tempo change bringing the oomph and bombast back, but at a mid paced stomp.
Overall, a highly energetic gallop of infectious hard rock, swinging effortlessly through the styles of party, sleaze, and British rock.
Born ‘N’ Raised
Devil In Disguise
Bleed Me Out
No Friend Of Mine
Natural Disease
Save Me From Myself
Glorious Machine
Pretty Little Thing
Grave Mistake
Technicolor Faded
May She Never Walk Alone

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities