TRIUMPHER Album Review: “Spirit Invictus”

“Spirit Invictus”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Triumpher are a heavy metal band from Greece formed in 2019, releasing their debut album ‘Storming The Walls’ in 2023, and sophomore album ‘Spirit Invictus’ in 2024.

Wasting no time following the release of the bands debut, Triumpher storm back into the limelight with their second release just eighteen months later – the dust not even settled from the first’s barnstorming barrage of furiously emphatic heavy metal! Fresh from the bands performances at the 2023 Up The Hammers and Keep It True Rising festivals, the Greek outfit are firing on all cylinders with eight new songs across a blistering forty fast paced minutes – ‘Overture To Elysian’ a two and a half minute effects laden crescendo building instrumental with so much rabid tension I think my speakers are about to explode! But it’s the album that explodes – exploding into life with the fast and furious ‘Arrival Of The Avenger’. The band accelerates hard outta the blocks sending every mosh pit around the world into fucking overdrive, Triumpher launching their new album in triumphant style!

An absolute scorcher to begin with, Triumpher march on with majestic grace through the epic and glory genres of metal, the more mid tempo ‘Athena (1st Chapter)’ pounding the ground hard with anthemic intent! The albums first two songs have come storming outta heavy metal territory from opposite sides, the band delivering a “chalk and cheese” brace to turn everyone’s heads in the direction of Athens – the title song ‘Spirit Invictus’ returning all out pace to the fore! The band mean business here, blending a little power metal into their root sound, adding a massive dose of traditional heavy metal to ooze the iconic guitar tone of the legendary NWOBHM evolution! And the famous “metal gallop” too, ‘Spirit Invictus’ (the song) clearly influenced by a forty year old sound – a sound that’s just as fucking fabulous now as it was when I first heard it all those years ago! Crikey o’ mighty am I really that old! And dropping a gear or two, ‘Alexander’ marches forth with increased heaviness, Triumpher changing through the gears to storm along the highway with measured pace, power and purpose! ‘Alexander’ also crosses the border into epic and glory territory again, the Greek metallers offering a very wide of array of metal styles.

The majestic swagger makes an emphatic return as ‘Shores Of Marathon’ shudders the ground with phenomenal force, Triumpher keeping one foot rooted in epic and glory metal while the other slams the accelerator pedal to the floor – ‘Shores Of Marathon’ a pace changing tempo changing gallop of immense variation. The bands self titled song ‘Triumpher’ has the most thunderous sound of any of the songs on offer, the band hitting the ground with much more force than Norse God Thor – the devastation level right through the fucking roof! And with injections of pace too, ‘Triumpher’ continues the recent trend of variation, ‘Hall Of A Thousand Storms’ bringing the curtain down on the bands second album with an almighty bounce! The band certainly have a spring in their step for the albums finale, ‘Hall Of A Thousand Storms’ exhibiting every single style of metal the band have in their arsenal, an arsenal that’s only gonna get bigger as the band grow and mature.

Overall, a barnstorming barrage of heavy metal variation, ‘Spirit Invicuts’ is gonna attract a wide array of metallers to the bands soundscape.


Overture to Elysian
Arrival Of The Avenger
Athena (1st Chapter)
Spirit Invictus
Shores Of Marathon
Hall Of A Thousand Storms

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities