VENDEL Album Review: “Out In The Fields”

“Out In The Fields”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Vendel are a heavy metal band from Russia formed in 2015 releasing to date two E.P.’s – ‘Vendel’ (2017) and ‘Dirge’ (2019), and one full length album – ‘Out In The Fields’ (2024).

Featuring just six songs, ‘Out In The Fields’ may appear short for an album, but when I tell you that the run time exceeds fifty minutes, I think you’ll agree that an album it most certainly is! Along with a two minute intro, the album features three new songs alongside two re-recorded ones from the bands (earlier) E.P.’s – Vendel oozing a doom laden yet energetic blend of epic metal. Think Black Sabbath, Manilla Road, Satan and a whole host of eighties NWOBHM bands, and you’ll get some idea of what the Russian five-piece sound like – the two minute instrumental intro ‘Intro’, setting a highly anticipative atmosphere with eerie overtones…

…segueing straight into (album opener proper) ‘Defender’, and a monolithic Black Sabbath doom metal vibe! The heaviness is overwhelming, Vendel shuddering the ground with immense force, the bands epic metal influence shining red hot like the Mediterranean midday sun! ‘Defender’ features a number of gear and tempo changes, yet primarily stands tall and proud right at the heaviest end of the doom metal genre! A weighty opening from the Russian five-piece, the band remain focused on offering every listener a tonne of tension and chills, ‘Never Surrender’ winding itself up over the first minute and a half to eventually sprint off at a traditional heavy metal pace. The famous “gallop” of metal icons Iron Maiden is highly evident here, ‘Never Surrender’ oozing head bang ability in abundance. Almost the opposite to ‘Defender’, Vendel have displayed two very different styles of metal across the albums first two songs – kinda makes you wonder what styles are forthcoming over the remaining three!

Well wonder no more, ‘Dirge’ lurches forth with doom metal majesty, Vendel remaining steadfast in territory owned by Black Sabbath. And maybe just a little Dio too – for ‘Dirge’ oozes a majestic swagger not heard before, ‘Out In The Fields’ a methodical march of foot stomping metal. Every song on offer exceeds seven minutes in length, with the longest ‘Vengeance’, clocking in at a mighty thirteen and a half – the band showcasing everything they have in their arsenal! From eerie, mellow beginnings to a crescendo building wallop, ‘Vengeance’ visits every corner of metal territory to deliver so much variation I haven’t got the time or space to list ’em all here! You’re just gonna have to count them all for yourselves – good luck!

The album is brought to a close with the title song ‘Out In The Fields’, and at over eleven minutes in length is the second longest song on the album, featuring the same myriad of metal styles as the previous song. Albeit with a little more energy and purpose, ‘Out In The Fields’ (the song) is more heavy metal than doom, continuously switching between the two styles as it canters on. The head bang ability has been fairly scarce throughout the album, but with frequent bursts of speed here, ‘Out In The Fields’ (the song) offers more than all the other songs put together.

Overall, a doom laden fifty minute mid tempo swagger with occasional bursts of pace, Vendel deliver a ground shuddering blend of metal.


Never Surrender
Out In The Fields

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