

REBELLION BAR – 30/04/2016



Up first are Thirteen Stars a Southern Rock n Roll band from Cumbria who are currently signed to ‘Off Yer Rocka Recordings’.

This band have a very bluesy/country/back to the roots vibe.

Amongst the talented musicians which are here tonight performing, these guys totally blew me away, my first time seeing them, they were like a breath of fresh air.

I haven’t seen a band like this in years, their rural feel which is mixed with their eccentric personality as a band, their music fills the room taking every back to those southern country roots.

Their performance almost like a creation of their personalities combined defines their music which is very soulful.

The vocalist sings with passion , which soars as he plays which combined with light hearted bass and swing guitar their music is very palatable to the ears.



My first time seeing these guys also, i have to say i adored watching these guys play.

This rock n roll quartet hail from Northern Ireland who are also signed to ‘Off Yer Rocka Recordings’.

This band have achieved international recognition after their single ‘Rock N’ Roll Soul’ was featured on the hit US TV Show – Justified.

They released a multi-track EP and first single ‘SAVE ME’ in June 2015, followed by their 10-track second album STAND UP AND BE COUNTED in July 2015.

Chris Frys vocals go from clear to growly, with steady drumming backing him this classic rock band are fun loving and out to party.

With their Zepp style music, these fun loving lads produce catchy rhythms that make you want to get up and dance.

With songs like ‘Blood’  which stand out with a guitar solo in the middle which rips you apart which is very ACDC’esque these guys are stripped back to the classic rock days.

They storm the crowds with Roadhouse by The Doors, and finished the set with their own song Rock n Roll Soul.

A fantastic set, thoroughly enjoyable i urge people to go out and see these guys.


Massive Wagons are a hard rock band from Carnforth, UK who are signed to ‘Off Yer Rocka Recordings’, who released ‘Fight The System’ in July 2014.

These guys formed in 2009, and have achieved their status within the music industry by playing every bar and venue up and down the UK and back again, putting their imprint on people.

They have played the likes of  Hard Rock Hell 2013&2014&2015, Bloodstock 2014,  Steelhouse 2015.

Massive Wagons are due to go on tour and support the legendary Ginger Wildheart in July of this year.

We are here at Rebellion Bar in Manchester to watch Massive Wagons on the last UK tour date, touring their new album ‘Welcome to the World’.

Massive Wagons themselves were awesome and on  top form, and were joined on their first song by Lauren from TBFM a nice touch and fun was had by all, whether it was nerves or not she was not at the same level as the band tonight, but good on her for giving it a go.

Barry’s vocals were on top form as he performed throughout the night to songs such as ‘Tokyo’ which got the crowds pumped up,  and ‘Red Dress’ which got the crowds all singing along, the atmosphere was more than electric, the boys had their game face on tonight.

Adam shows extraordinary skills on guitar as his riffs are dynamite, he bounds about with such energy this is one musician that is going places.

The crowds chant along with all time favourite ‘Fight The System’ which everyone bounces along with, this catchy riff filled song is one you can definitely bang your head along to.

Massive Wagons were joined on stage for their last song of the night by Screaming Eagles Vocalist Chris Fry, this dynamic duo of front men blew the roof off the venue by ending with ACDC’s ‘Thunderstruck’, well what a way to end a fabulous night.


3 great bands, all unique and on top of their game tonight.