Category: Email Interviews

RAGE Interview with Metal Gods TV

Iron Mathew caught up with Peter ‘Peavy’ Wagner from Rage for an email based interview Hello, I’m Iron Mathew from Metal Gods TV – a little over the moon to meet you as I’ve been a fan of Rage since...
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WINTERAGE – Interview With Metal Gods TV

British Steel Sam caught up with Daniele Barbarossa, singer for symphonic power metallers Winterage, for an email based interview: Hi, my name is Sam, and I’d like to thank you for agreeing to this interview! Your music is a blast...
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SORCERER Interview with Metal Gods TV

Chris Palmer caught up with Anders Engberg from Sorcerer for an email based interview Hi guys, Chris here from Metal Gods TV. It’s a pleasure to be interviewing you for the website. Firstly, how are you all doing? Are you...
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Cauldron Interview with Metal Gods TV

Stacey Fawcett caught up with Jason Decay from Cauldron for an email based interview:   Hello, I’m Stacey from Metal Gods TV, how are you today? Good! Just driving around London trying to find this Crypt of the Wizard shop…...
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Corpsehammer Interview with Metal Gods TV

Dark Juan caught up with Corpsehammer for an email based interview:   Hello. Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dark Juan, the person responsible for your review and frankly excellent score for your Perversion E.P. on Metal Gods TV....
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Mad Hatter Interview with Metal Gods TV

Iron Mathew caught up with Alfred Fridhagen from Mad Hatter for an email based interview: Hi, I’m Iron Mathew, pleased to meet you. Tell me, how young were you when you first listened to Heavy Metal? Hello, pleased to meet...
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Gozu Interview with Metal Gods TV

Stacey Fawcett caught up with Marc Gaffney from Gozu for an email based interview:   Hello, I’m Stacey from Metal Gods TV, how are you today? I am well thanks. How old were you when you started listening to rock...
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Temperance Interview with Metal Gods TV

Piers Renfree caught up with Michele Guaitoli from Temperance for an email based interview:   Hello I’m Piers from Metal Gods TV, how are you today? Hi Piers, everything’s fine here! It’s a pleasure for me to answer to your...
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Defiatory Interview with Metal Gods TV

Iron Mathew caught up with Jon Skare from Defiatory for an email based interview:   Hello, I’m Iron Mathew, pleased to meet you. Tell me, how young were you when you first listened to Heavy Metal? I first heard bands...
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Rivers Of Nihil Interview with Metal Gods TV

Dark Juan caught up with Brody Uttley for an email based interview:   Greetings, gents. I’m the overexcited idiot responsible for your 10/10 review… I’m Dark Juan. Introduce yourselves to the world at large…. I’m assuming you’re not the forbidding...
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