Testament Album Review: “Brotherhood Of The Snake”

Album Review By Iron Mathew


Testament are a thrash metal band from the USA forming in 1986 under the name Legacy, but had to change their name due to another band with the same name. As Legacy they had (current) Exodus singer Steve ‘Zetro’ Souza on vocals before current singer Chuck Billy was recruited. During the early to mid eighties, the Bay Area of San Francisco became famous for producing the “Big 4” of thrash metal (for those that don’t know, Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica and Slayer are the big four), however Testament, along with Death Angel and Exodus, also emerged from the Bay area, so maybe the “Big 4” should have been the “Super 7” ? History cannot be changed, but history can be made and Testament have been making it all their career, consistently hitting all the right buttons with every album they have released. Including current album ‘Brotherhood Of The Snake’, Testament have released twelve studio albums (with their debut album released in 1987) and numerous compilation and live albums.

The first song I ever heard by Testament was ‘Burnt Offerings’, off the ‘Time To Rock’ compilation album released in 1987. With it’s slow burning, chillingly haunting intro, buzzing chainsaw guitars and the snappy, barking, deep throated vocals of Chuck Billy, ‘Burnt Offerings’ was an immense and exciting introduction to the thrash metal monster that Testament have become. Their style is one of power, aggression and brutality all the while keeping it catchy and addictive. The new album is no exception. Blistering guitar riffs and a trademark Chuck Billy growl bring the album to life in aggressive style with the title song ‘Brotherhood Of The Snake’. Full of pace, screaming guitars and rampant rhythms, Testament have set light to the fuse…stand back and watch the fireworks. ‘The Pale King’ punches hard and is a chugging juggernaut of thrash metal with ‘Stronghold’ a fast paced, in your face, aggressive metal assault that will likely head bang your head right off its shoulders such is its ferocity.

The album does nod its head back to the early days, a glorious time for Testament with albums such as ‘Practice What You Preach’ and ‘Souls Of Black’ setting new standards for thrash metal. ‘Seven Seals’ and ‘Born In A Rut’ are two songs that bring the early days vibe to the album and are both stunning masterpieces. Very heavy foot stompers that deserve their place on this album. Now, if it’s out and out thrash metal, played at a furious pace with so much velocity the upward trajectory will take you right out into space…look no further than the emphatic romp ‘Centuries Of Suffering’. A scorching pace with blistering guitars and a blazing rhythm, ‘Centuries Of Suffering’ defines thrash metal in just three and a half minutes!

‘Neptune’s Spear’ takes its influence from their nineties heyday, chugging like a tug boat, keeping heads banging everywhere, and when I say heads banging, I mean hard, very hard. “stakes are high and so am I” screeches Chuck Billy throughout ‘Black Jack’, a song all about gambling. ‘Black Jack’ is a mid tempo, very heavy thrash metal song with some sparkling guitar work. ‘Canna Business’ increases the levels of energy and intensity and simply rages on and on at such a relentless pace it will leave you breathless. Thunderous and hard hitting ‘Canna Business’ is a blistering and brilliant thrash metal foray. All great things come to an end and so does this album, but not without one last bombastic blast of thrash. ‘The Number Game’ is everything you could want in a thrash metal song and it will leave you salivating such is its appeal. In just a little over forty five minutes, Testament have shown the world they are still a force and can still run miles ahead of a lot of the newer thrash metal bands from the last twenty years. Testament are a thirty year old monolith, showing absolutely no signs of wear and tear…they are gonna be around for many more years yet.

Overall, an exceptional album, full of pace and aggression, with a superb vocal performance to prove that Testament are still alive and thrashing at their very, very best.


Brotherhood Of The Snake
Pale King
Seven Seals
Born In A Rut
Centuries Of Suffering
Neptune’s Spear
Black Jack
Canna Business
The Number Game


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.