Candle Album Review: “The Keeper’s Curse”

Album Review By Dark Juan


This Swedish metal band, composed of incomprehensibly named people who I am not going to even attempt typing again, offer us The Keeper’s Curse, their debut album from Fighter Records. It’s trad metal all the way – twin guitar attacks a la Iron Maiden, high pitched clean vocals (which are unfortunately terrible!) and a solid if unimaginative rhythm section. There’s no galloping bass like Steve Harris, which frankly there should be, and the vocalist Erik, well, he tries, but he has a very thin and reedy voice and a limited range. He’s either low or shrieking. There’s no in between and he is screamingly off key at times. The standout song on this record is The Secret – a pummelling piece of speedy metallic joy. Until Erik opens his gob. Did I mention I am not a fan of his voice? Change the singer and you have contenders, because the music is most enjoyable. Unfortunately the caterwauling ruins it. Good bits are splendid guitar work, and a tight rhythm section, especially Jorma Pjhiwihiwcfuwgud (possibly not the correct spelling) on the drums.

The Patented Dark Juan Blood Splat Rating System gives this record a disinterested 5/10. That’s the equivalent of the local police force investigating a pool of blood at a drunken fight scene.

Candle are:
Erik Nordkvist [Vocals]
Markus Janis [Guitars]
Christian Kanto [Guitars]
Juhani Pihlajainen [Bass]
Jorma Pihlajainen [Drums]


The Secret
Light At The End
Frozen With Fear
Dancing Lights
Embraced By Darkness
No Peace For My Soul

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