Lordi Album Review: “Sexorcism”

Album Review by Lloyd Parkinson


Formed in 1992 by costume designer and devoted KISS fan, Lordi is a band that really do not need an introduction. The bandmade history in 2006 after winning the Eurovision song contest with their track “Hard Rock Hallelujah” and are still the only “Hard Rock” band and Finnish act to win the competition. Since then the band grown from strength to strength and the band’s ninth album “Sexorcism” proves to be their most controversial release so far. You could suggest that controversy is the most antagonising facet of popularity but for a myriad of different reasons it is equally the most heartening. It also sees public society praise those who are prepared to push questionable boundaries through their talent and art and with a band like Lordi this is certainly not an exception. This release is aesthetically on par with the “in your face” Lordi brand and was recorded at the renowned Finnox Studios in Finland by producer Mikko Karmila who is certainly no stranger to band by also working on their 2014 release “Scare Force One”.

The album opens up with the title track “Sexorcism” which couldn’t be a better way to set the standard of subject matter for the rest of the album. The track begins with haunting piano chords striking against obscure chanting vocals which aesthetically introduces you to the frightening experience in a brilliant way. This is followed by hard hitting drums together with slick and clean riffs which every Lordi fan has come love over the years. And, with this track there is no inconspicuous or hiding meaning behind the lyrical content. The second track “Your Tongue’s Got the Cat” is a lot simpler than the first track but that’s not to say that it isn’t pure perfection. It’s a foot stomping Hard Rock/Metal track with a singalong chorus that is filled with melody and the lyrics are tasteless but witty. The third track “Romeo Ate Juliet” is just about as Lordi as your get can get but is a little less raunchy than the previous two tracks. It begins an old-school sounding “Thrash” riff than resembles something written by Metallica or Megadeth before returning to typical Lordi once the vocals kick in. This is a groove filled track with some cool riffs with another singalong chorus which Lordi.

The following track “Naked in My Cellar” keeps the inappropriateness going strong with some rather controversial subject matter that is certainly NSFW nor suitable for Eurovision in any way. With this track you get a feeling that you’re at the Theatre watching a Horror show that is scary, worrying but largely amusing at the same time. “The Beast is Yet to Cum” and “Rimskin Assassin” are by the far the most inappropriate and innuendo filled tracks on the entire album. However, they are also the catchiest tracks as well which in a way also masks up how raunchy the subject matter really is. “Hell Has Room” begins with haunting piano chords and terrifying screams in the background before the instruments kick in with a groove filled riff. The track then really gets going with a fast-paced attack that is a bit like a riff you would here from a band that are in the “NewWave of Thrash Metal Scene” that Earache Records bought back years ago.

Towards the end of the album is “Sodomesticated Animal” which is actually the best track on the entire album. It begins with debauched grumbling before it kicks in with the most melodic guitar harmonies on the album. The cool thing about having a track like this is that it really keeps you engaged with the listening experience unlike some of their previous albums that fade out. Mr Lordi’s vocal performance on this track is also his best out of the thirteen tracks and you get a real sense of theatrical passion from it.

Lordi have created an album that is solely based on all things sex and although it’s absolutely fantastic it’s not their strongest offering to date. However, that’s not to say that the entire album isn’t packed full of brilliant riffs and full aesthetical “Shock Rock” values. There is musical diversity throughout this album which helps each track stand out which is sometimes not the case with this genre of music. If you are a fan and familiar with Lordi’s previous albums then “Sexorcism” will not offer you anything in terms of bombshells, it’s what the band do well and what they have come to be known for with their tongue and cheek subject matter and sense of humour.


Mr. Lordi: Vocals
Mr. Amen: Guitars
Mr. Ox: Bass
Mr. Mana: Drums
Ms. Hella: Keyboards


2.Your Tongue’s Got the Cat
3.Romeo Ate Juliet
4.Naked In My Cellar
5.The Beast Is Yet To Cum
7.SCG9: The Documented Phenomenon
8.Slashion Model Girls
9.Rimskin Assassin
10.Hell Has Room
11.Hot & Satanned
12.Sodomesticated Animal
13.Haunting Season


This review is the property of Lloyd Parkinson and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.