Satan Album Review: “Cruel Magic”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Satan are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 1979, and are one of the many bands that helped form, and shape the direction of the legendary NWOBHM evolution during the early eighties. Along with bands such as Angel Witch, Diamond Head, Holocaust, Praying Mantis and Rock Goddess, an iconic sound was forged, a sound that went on to dominate the world through bands like Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest. 1983 saw Satan release the seminal ‘Court In The Act’, regarded as one of the first albums to incorporate thrash metal into the burgeoning NWOBHM genre. The band have undergone a number of personnel changes over the years, and has included members from many other bands, such as Atomkraft, Avenger, Blitzkrieg and Persian Risk. Satan released their second album ‘Suspended Sentence’ in 1987 and have also changed their name twice, releasing albums under the names Blind Fury and Pariah. The band got together for a one off performance at the legendary German Wacken Open Air Festival in 2004, re-uniting in full seven years later and releasing two albums, ‘Life Sentence’ (2013) and ‘Atom By Atom’ (2015). The bands fifth album ‘Cruel Magic’ was released in 2018.

Almost forty years after their formation, UK NWOBHM legends Satan return with their fifth album ‘Cruel Magic, chock full of classic sounding, traditional heavy metal. The mean and moody intro that breathes life into album opener ‘Into The Mouth Of Eternity’ soon gives way to the galloping thrash infused heavy metal that Satan are well known for. Head bangingly addictive, ‘Into The Mouth Of Eternity’ is a cracking opening and sets the tone for what is to follow. The title song ‘Cruel Magic’ picks up the intensity and rumbles along like thunder, oozing the classic guitar sound that has made the NWOBHM genre so recognisable. Lead single from the album ‘The Doomsday Clock’, is a rampant gallop, fast paced and furious, and is “foot on the monitor” style heavy metal at its very best. The urgent pace is carried on in dramatic fashion with ‘Legions Hellbound’, which actually brings a slightly more melodic feel to the album. Satan are delivering passion fuelled heavy metal that is as addictive as it is infectious.

The opening guitar riff to ‘Ophidian’ sounds like something lifted straight off a Van Halen album, but when the song breaks, no similarity remains. Heavier than any other song heard so far, ‘Ophidian’ is a mightily heavy foot stomp, both dark and menacing and will send shivers down the spine of many listeners, especially those who are afraid of snakes… Rampant speed returns to the album in big style with the galloping ‘My Prophetic Soul’ setting a blistering pace as it furiously speeds on. Back in the early eighties when Satan where still a fledgling band, they actually developed the thrash metal/NWOBHM cross over sound, maybe a little ahead of its time, but that was the vision of the band – forward thinkers. And forty years later, here they are, gloriously strutting their stuff for the pleasure of metal heads everywhere. ‘Death Knell For A King’ is a sub four minute explosive rocket that thunders and scurries its way on. Much more of a heavy metal/hard rock song than anything else the album has to offer, ‘Death Knell For A King’ is very catchy and has one of the most sing along able choruses on the album.

Following its mellow opening, ‘Who Among Us’ ups the tempo and runs amok with a liveliness that is simply breath taking. Furious head banging will take place here, as ‘Who Among Us’ romps on by. In 1907, the town of Mononagh (West Virginia, America) experienced what has been described as the “worst mining disaster in American history”. Satan have taken this horrific incident as the lyrical theme for ‘Ghosts Of Mononagh’. The song features the most NWOBHM guitar sound the album has to offer, is a story telling salvo of the tallest order and one of the best songs on the album. ‘Mortality’ brings the album to a close in an epic and dramatic final hurrah. A melodic march accompanies a regal rhythm as ‘Mortality’ brings together the genres of the epic and glory styles of heavy metal. After forty years, Satan show no sign of losing their passion and ability to deliver addictive and infectious heavy metal.

Overall, classic sounding and traditional heavy metal from one of the founders of the NWOBHM genre.


Into The Mouth Of Eternity
Cruel Magic
The Doomsday Clock
Legions Hellbound
My Prophetic Soul
Death Knell For A King
Who Among Us
Ghosts Of Monongah

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