HEAVEN SHALL BURN Album Review: “Of Truth And Sacrifice”

Album Review by Chris Palmer


Hailing from Germany comes Melodic Death Metal quintet, Heaven Shall Burn, with their ninth studio album since forming in 1997.

The band, consisting of Maik Weichert (Guitar), Alexander Dietz (Guitar), Marcus Bischoff (Vocals), Eric Bischoff (Bass), and Christian Bass (Drums) has received critical acclaim for the unique style of Melodic Death Metal displayed on previous albums, which began with 2000’s “Asunder”. Touching on subject matters which include inner struggles, depression, anti-racism, anti-fascism, and society, the band’s style of brutal riffs and harsh vocals has also seen them labelled within the Metalcore genre. Yet, each release has witnessed these Germans growing in stature amongst their peers.

Having said that, ninth album, “Of Truth And Sacrifice”, sees Heaven Shall Burn taking an extremely brave step indeed. Yet the band’s vision and efforts must be appreciated and applauded, as all the hard work has resulted in a monster of an album. This amazing piece of work contains nineteen tracks, yes NINETEEN, spread over two discs. With a total running time exceeding 97 minutes, this is no easy listening experience, meaning that patience is a key ingredient when sitting down and pressing play.

It’s fair to say that “Of Truth And Sacrifice” is a concept album relating to the burdens of modern life. In an era of fake news being constantly rammed down our throats, Heaven Shall Burn discuss the complexities of truth and the burden to sacrifice oneself to get to that truth in such an era… an era of constant bullshit and scaremongering spread across the media spectrum.

This heavy, yet rather diverse album was released back in March via Century Media Records, and contains superb artwork that should appeal to followers of the band, as well as fans of extreme music. However, of equal importance is what’s contained within, and man do these Germans know how to please…

Album opener “March Of Retribution” serves as an introduction, leading you into the insanely heavy “Thoughts And Prayers”, as Disc One: “The Truth” begins in spectacular fashion. The extremity of this quintet feels impossible to contain, as they blast through the next two tracks before arriving at the superb “Übermacht”. With an Industrial rhythm and pummeling riffs, this number puts a severe strain on the neck muscles as the band punishes the listener with bouncing grooves.

Meanwhile, “My Heart And The Ocean” increases the tempo dramatically, sending testosterone levels through the roof in epic style, before leading you into the longest serving on this double disc set. At 8:51 in length, the piano-led “Expatriate” is a rather melancholic tune. Showcasing the beautiful sounds of keys and strings, together with spoken interludes, this track rolls along slowly as the heavier instruments periodically make their appearance known.

Normality resumes with the heavy “What War Means”, a feat that continues into the insane, larynx-shredding “Terminate The Unconcern”. Those in the pit will be stomping around in circles to the pounding grooves to this number, while Heaven Shall Burn literally tear up the stage. The extremity is then met by the welcome sounds of strings during the instrumental interlude between discs, as “The Ashes Of My Enemies” brings “The Truth” to a peaceful close.

Disc Two: “The Sacrifice” launches straight for the jugular with the pounding sounds of “Children Of A Lesser God”. “La Résistance” swiftly follows with its Ministry/Rammstein-inspired style, before you’re directed into the monstrously sublime “The Sorrows Of Victory”. At 8.24 in length, it’s the second longest track on the album, and is an absolute masterpiece of musical invention. The combination of clear and extreme vocals blend together perfectly with the powerhouse riffs and pounding rhythms, as the band play through its length with varying tempos. No matter what the subject matter, this track is worth the admission price alone, what with its marvellous blend of beauty and extremity.

Speaking of extremity, “Stateless” hits you squarely in the face with an epic onslaught of fearsome vocals and face-melting riffs. The heavy drumming alone will leave you battered and bruised, while the vocal attack will either leave you mesmerized or in a state of shock, depending on your musical tastes. Meanwhile, “Tirpitz” storms by you at an unforgivable pace as the band lead you into a headbanging frenzy.

Blink and you’ll miss the speed-fest that is “Truther”. The next two numbers offer up servings of what Heaven Shall Burn do best, as we literally reach the ninety minute mark, before being directed towards the 7+ minute album closer, “Weakness Leaving My Heart”. As the beautiful, spine-tingling sounds of strings begin, followed by the keyboards. You’re left feeling grateful for the musical gifts bestowed upon this band, as you sit back and reflect on life before those heavy guitars make an appearance, together with the vocals for one final slab of epic heaviness.

Overall, “Of Truth And Sacrifice” sees Heaven Shall Burn put on a superb display of Melodic Death Metal. Whilst not an easy listen, especially considering the brave move of releasing a double album which runs for over 97 minutes, it’s certainly a rewarding experience. Patience is the key as this amazing piece of work requires several listens in order for the music to reveal the magic contained within. And it’s that musical magic that must surely push this quintet to the top of their chosen genre, because this album is an essential purchase for any serious heavy music collector.


DISC 1 “Of Truth”

March Of Retribution
Thoughts And Prayers
My Heart And The Ocean
What War Means
Terminate The Unconcern
The Ashes Of My Enemies

DISC 2 “Of Sacrifice”

Children Of A Lesser God
La Résistance
The Sorrows Of Victory
Critical Mass
Eagles Among Vultures
Weakness Leaving My Heart


This review is the property of Chris Palmer and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.