MAGNUS KARLSSON’S FREE FALL Album Review: “We Are The Night”

Album Review by Syl Pdll


In recent times, Magnus Karlsson has become a reference in the metal scene worldwide, because he is the main composer of productions such as the Allen/Lande trilogy and his derivative album Allen/Olzon, Kiske/Somerville and lately his collaboration on recent Primal Fear album. In 2013 he launched his solo project, which he has named as Free Fall, whose albums show his composition and production skills with the help of a diverse cast of male and female vocalists. Last month he released his latest studio album titled “We Are The Night” featuring: Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast), Dino Jelusick (Animal Drive, Dirty Shirley), Ronnie Romero (Rainbow), Renan Zonta (Electric Mob), Tony Martin (ex-Black Sabbath) and Mike Andersson (Cloudscape), in addition to having the support of Anders Kollerfors on drums and mastered by Jacob Jansen.

Dino Jelusick oversees opening this album with “Hold Your Fire”, the presence of symphonic elements constitutes one of the main characteristics in the musical style developed by the Swedish guitarist both for his projects with other artists and as a soloist. The melodic accent of the song is provided by the lead singer of Animal Drive who uses a series of harrowing voices reaching their peak in the chorus part.

The inclusion of electronic elements in conjunction with the guitar riffs introduces us to “Kingdom Falls” performed by Renan Zonta. The first impression this song made on me is the vocal versatility of the Electric Mob singer who shows certain influences of eighties metal with a fresh touch that is quite pleasing. A song with a softer sound than the previous one and in which that breath of melodic airs stands out. The guitar solo included in this song shows the technique and virtuosity of the producer from Primal Fear.

“We Are The Night” is the third song on this album that is performed entirely by the Swedish guitarist with a vocal timbre that is closer to melodic. It is a song that is supported by electronic elements fused by the symphonic arrangements and the presence of a female voice that can be distinguished at the beginning of the song creating that atmosphere of uncertainty and confusion that is related in the lyrical part of the song.

Noora Louhimo is one of the singers who has gained notoriety for her vocal performance in Battle Beast and who has been invited to collaborate on this album on “Queen Of Fire” which is a song more oriented towards melodic metal that combines perfectly with piano chords and orchestral arrangements. A song that tells us about that period of disappointment and deceit within love relationships.

The sound of the violons announces the introduction to “Dreams And Scars” performed by Renan Zenta and which continues to admire me for its great vocal capacity, and which contrasts quite well with the melodic instrumentation. It is a song that tells us about the memories that have been lived with another person and that have left some marks and continue to chase us in our dreams. The chorus part is masterful.

The presence of Mike Andersson in “All The Way To The Stars” creates a feeling of loneliness in which we have to face our own fears. It is a song that takes advantage of the vocal capabilities of the singer, who is more oriented towards experiencing a sharper, but rather dynamic vocal range in conjunction with powerful instrumentation.

Ronnie Romero makes an appearance on this album in “One By One” and in which we can appreciate that influence of Ronnie James Dio as well as Dino Jelusick teaching in the use of raspy and very versatile voices. Magnus Karlsson’s virtuosity in guitar playing is present in almost the entire song making this a dynamic melody from start to finish.

“Under The Black Star” is another of the ballads featured on this album performed by Dirty Shirley’s also lead singer. Unlike the other songs featured on this album, this one stands out for that atmosphere of darkness both in the instrumental part and in the vocal performance of Dino Jelusick who also denotes that vocal influence of the Norwegian singer Jorn Lande.

“Temples And Towers” rescues that essence of classic rock through the presence of the organ in conjunction with the guitar riffs and which contrasts quite well with the voices of the former Black Sabbath vocalist, Tony Martin. It is a song that comes out a little from the defined musical style throughout the album without neglecting those symphonic elements creating a much more theatrical and dynamic song.

Magnus Karlsson picks up the microphone again on “Don’t Walk Away” with a marked influence of symphonic metal is how this song begins and reminds us a bit of the Allen/Olzon project. A song that portrays that series of reunions and disagreements with the loved one.

“On My Way Back To Earth” is an instrumental song in its entirety and constitutes one of the masterpieces of this album due to the interesting fusion that is created from melodic metal in combination with progressive metal and a little Spanish influence on playing acoustic guitars and keyboard. The presence of the guitar solos fit in perfectly with the song with Magnus Karlsson being the main star.

“Far From Over” is the last song on this album and features the participation of Tony Martin more oriented towards melodic rock and that raises that sense of protection towards being loved within a couple relationship. The instrumental composition of the song is spectacular and creates a good closure for this musical work.

We Are The Night is an album that presents musical elements from the projects created by Magnus Karlsson throughout his career on the metal scene, however, it has its own identity that highlights the creative potential of this Swedish guitarist and that, He also knows the strengths of his guest vocalists creating a diverse material that is enjoyed from start to finish. Perhaps it is a musical gem a little undervalued by the weight that has generated its other collaborations and projects with other artists. It is a material worth listening to.


Hold Your Fire (Dino Jelusick)
Kingdom Falls (Renan Zonta)
We Are The Night (Magnus Karlsson)
Queen Of Fire (Noora Louhimo)
Dreams And Scars (Renan Zonta)
All The Way To The Stars (Mike Andersson)
One By One (Ronnie Romero)
Under The Black Star (Dino Jelusick)
Temples And Towers (Tony Martin)
Don’t Walk Away (Magnus Karlsson)
On My Way Back To Earth (Instrumental)
Far From Over (Tony Martin)

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