KAINE E.P. Review: “The Waystone”

E.P. Review by Syl Pdll


Kaine is an old school style heavy metal band originally from the east of England who have begun to write their own history by having four studio albums, in addition to recording some live performances. The band has been active in recent months and now they are presenting their latest work, a short album entitled “The Waystone” while the quartet is in the process of recording their most recent album, which was suspended due to COVID-19 health restrictions.

“Iron Lady” marks the beginning of this album and begins with all the force of the double bass drum in conjunction with the guitar denoting that influence of the new wave of British heavy metal. I like the vocal timbre of Rage Sadler, although it is not as powerful a voice unlike other exponents of the genre, it injects into the song that necessary dose of energy that will make us headbanging from beginning to end. The bass solo with the guitar sound as the backing is pretty good.

“Resistance” is an interesting song because of the duality between ascending and descending sounds throughout it. Unlike its predecessor, it shows a much softer sound without neglecting that essence of the old school of heavy metal that has become a hallmark of its musical proposal. I consider the combination of once slutty and clean to have been a success as it provides greater variety coupled with the playing of the guitar in which we can identify a very marked influence of speed metal.

“Solidarity” begins with the guitar chords denoting a marked Iron Maiden influence on which is added drums and bass. I like how the sound becomes more melodic the moment Rage Sadler begins to sing and as it progresses it becomes more aggressive which coincides with the call to unity in the lyrical part.

“Monument” begins with the guitar chords in a style that emulates speed metal being the guide throughout the song. Rage Sadler is distinguished by a vocal performance that follows the same rhythm as the instrumental part. The solo part of the guitars is spectacular because it has that essence of classic metal that they take up as one of their influences and that has become part of their musical identity.

The homonymous song of this English quartet is the one that closes this short album. “The Waystone” begins with the chords of the guitar in a melodic and slow way giving the impression as if the song were a ballad, but it is the opposite since it is gaining strength in which the drums and the bass are added and contrasted with the vocal part. One aspect in favor of this song is that, despite being the longest of this sound work and in which the influence of the new wave of British heavy metal is perceived with the greatest notoriety, each of the instruments has its own space to shine on the other instrumentation. The bass lines are spectacular. It’s a job well done by Kaine and it’s a great closure, all in all.

The effort of independent groups to generate interesting musical works with a level of quality comparable to that of bands already consolidated in the genre is admirable, in the case of Kaine, it is an album that will keep you attentive from beginning to end, since each one of the songs has a different proposal adorn by that influence of the new wave of British heavy metal and maintains that very old school sound with a fresh and modern touch. I have expectations about the future of this band as it has a pretty solid musical identity and has the elements to shine soon.


Iron Lady
The Waystone


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