SINNER’S BLOOD Album Review: “The Mirror Star”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Sinner’s Blood are a heavy metal band from Chile formed in 2018, releasing their debut album ‘The Mirror Star’ in 2020.

Blending all that is great in the arena of heavy metal, hard rock and power metal, Sinner’s Blood are about to take the world by storm with their debut album ‘The Mirror Star’. Eleven songs across forty five bombastic minutes will see the Chilean outfit rise up and batter a wide array of fans with a heavy hitting and punchy performance – a performance that gets underway with (probably the title song) ‘The Mirror’. An up tempo, full of energy and fizz kinda song, ‘The Mirror’ is an immediate like and one helluva barn storming and thunderous start. A start that is both infectious and catchy, with song number two, even better… ‘Phoenix Rise’ is faster paced with much more thunder than ‘The Mirror’, invoking head banging of the very hard variety. Bands from South America generally fall into the extreme or thrash metal genres – but not Sinner’s Blood. They have chosen a mix of traditional, and power metal as their chosen musical direction – and what an impact their debut is making. Blending a thumping rhythm with a mid tempo melodic march, ‘Never Again’ is a rip roaring stomper of anthemic metal. With its energetic party feel, ‘Never Again’ is a definite crowd pleaser.

The energy levels displayed by Sinner’s Blood are off the fucking charts! ‘Remember Me’ may have the title of a ballad, but a ballad it certainly isn’t. ‘Remember Me’ is a thundering melodic romp, firmly rooted in the European power metal style. The Chilean four piece are definitely a band to watch as the new year approaches. Upping the pace, power, and intensity, ‘The Path Of Fear’ approaches speed metal territory, fairly scorching the Earth as it storms on past. The fastest song on the album so far, ‘The Path Of Fear’ loses none of the albums melodic, and infectious streak. With so many of the modern day metal albums featuring at least one ballad, Sinner’s Blood do not disappoint, with ‘Forever’ their lighters in the air offering. A hymn like delivery, ‘Forever’ is heavily keyboard led, and features a much more mellow vocal performance. Out and out pace returns to the album in full flight with the thunderous ‘Kill Or Die’, which also features the most attractive and sing a long chorus on the album. There is also a slight hint of aggression sewn in to ‘Kill Or Die’ – and I don’t just mean the songs title either.

Two thirds the way through the album, and what an impact Sinner’s Blood are making – their brand of metal a joy to listen to. And I’m positive the band are gonna make a lot of new fans all around the world. ‘Never Resting Soul’ carries on the bombastic and infectious nature that began thirty minutes ago with ‘The Mirror’. Fast paced and full of energy, ‘Never Resting Souls’ has a mid song break down that could easily feature on a thrash metal album. At over seven minutes long ‘Who Am I’ is the longest song on offer, blending keyboards, ballad, and anthemic metal to great effect. A swaggering journey of mid tempo melodic metal, ‘Who Am I’ is likely the albums centrepiece. With incendiary devices going off all over the place, ‘The Hunting’ explodes into life and blasts forth with an extremely high level of explosive energy. And the infectiousness too…off the scale! ‘Awakening’ brings the album to a close in a crescendo of booming thunder. With just as much melodic intent as every other song on the album, ‘Awakening’ is as infectious as all that has gone before. A very impressive debut from a new band.

Overall, fast paced traditional heavy metal featuring a melodic power metal influence, Sinner’s Blood have delivered a corker of a debut.


The Mirror
Phoenix Rise
Never Again
Remember Me
The Path Of Fear
Kill Or Die
Never Resting Soul
Who Am I
The Hunting

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities