TORN FABRIKS E.P. Review: “Mind Consumption”

“Mind Consumption”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Torn Fabriks are a thrash metal band from Portugal formed in 2020, with their debut release, the six song E.P. ‘Mind Consumption’, released in 2021.

With a blunt and up front aggressive sound, Torn Fabriks fairly rip through their debut offering, demolishing everything foolish enough to stand in their way. The bands destructive force is ferocious, cutting a savage path across the land as they tear through the six songs in a little over twenty minutes. Opening with the bruiser ‘Respect’, complete with an eerie and scary intro, Torn Fabriks lacerate the skies with brutality. Growling, menacing vocals shatter the silence, with the fire and brimstone thrash metal style wreaking utter havoc.

Hitting much harder, ‘Idiocracy Layers’ fires machine gun riffs, left, right and fucking centre. The in your face attitude is fiendish, the throaty growl of a vocal delivery is rough and tough, with ‘Idiocracy Layers’ threatening to snap bones. ‘Face It’ is full on, full tilt, frantic thrash. The fastest offering so far, ‘Face It’ will send mosh pits into a fucking frenzy.

‘Evil Eight’ opens with a riff that could easily have come from the eighties heyday of the NWOBHM evolution. The iconic buzzing guitar sound is a glorious sound, with Torn Fabriks weaving it into their thrash metal roots. ‘Evil Eight’ also features the most menacing vocal delivery of all the songs on offer. Pace increases for the blistering ‘Felt The Treason’. Fast, furious, and aggressive, ‘Felt The Treason’ comes storming at you – and if you’re brave enough not to duck, be warned you’re in for a serious case of GBH! Shall I call for emergency services now? In three minutes I will, for there is one more song to go… ‘Bring Me Down’ hurtles forward like something possessed, all frantic and fierce. And that throaty growl of a menacing vocal delivery is gonna scare a few listeners.

Overall, a rapid fire fury of blistering brutality and speed, Torn Fabriks have impressed with their debut offering.


Idiocracy Layers
Face It
Evil Eight
Felt The Treason
Bring Me Down

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities