DURBIN Album Review: “The Beast Awakens”

“The Beast Awakens”
Album Review by British Steel Sam


James Durbin is something of an anomaly in the world of metal. Here is a guy with an impressive resume who many could feel envious of, who found his path to fame through a talent show. Making it all the way to number four in America’s Got Talent is no easy feat, especially when you are a die-hard metalhead who doesn’t want to sing recycled pop rubbish but instead wants to bring heavy metal to the masses. Debate the merits of the show all you like, but there is no debating James’s incredible vocal talent and the way he shared tracks from the likes of ‘Aerosmith’, ‘Sammy Hagar’ and ‘Muse’ with audiences more used to Little Mix and even, (and I’m going to type this with my eyes closed) One f******g Direction. The number one reason I feel so envious of him though, was for his performance alongside the metal gods themselves Judas Priest, singing a duet with Rob Halford, on the series finale! What a way to get onto the scene… a few years later James had released three albums of his own making, featured on American Idol, and had joined the mighty ‘Quiet Riot’ as their lead singer. Fast forward to 2020, and James had left ‘Quiet Riot’ to pursue what he called a “purely heavy metal” album. In 2021 this album has been released to the world, and it is with the thunder of drums, the squeal of guitars, and the howl of a Battle Cry that… ‘THE BEAST AWAKENS’!

Jumping straight into the album, and the opener ‘THE PRINCE OF METAL’ sets the tone perfectly. Launching into a riff laden headbanger that drips 80’s nostalgia, the first impression of ‘Durbin’ is a good one in a track that clearly displays their NWOBHM influences. Bands like Judas Priest and Grim Reaper come to mind and James’s operatic vocals and lyrics elevate the music into the realms of high fantasy. The music video is also, whether intentionally or not, hilariously cheesy and showcases Durbin’s fun side.

We know that lead singer James is the man with the plan, with an incredible voice and plenty of slick guitar riffs, but who has he chosen to join him for this “purely heavy metal” album? Well, as it turns out his choice of band mates could not be better. Drummer Mike Vanderhule’s resume is comprehensive having performed and/or recorded with bands and members of bands such as Montrose, Vince Neil (Motley Crue), Geoff Tate (Queensryche) and Neal Schon (Journey) to name just a few. His drum lines throughout the album are superb, with an almost sixth sense ability to know what sounds not just good, but great! Alongside him Barry Sparks joins in on bass, another man with a fantastic back catalogue – having played alongside names like Marty Friedman, Ted Nugent and Yngwie Malmsteen, as well as currently laying down the low end for the Michael Schenker Group! His tones are absolutely spot on, and the intricate bass lines he lays down bring the tracks to life in such a fantastic way. Separating this rhythm section out makes for a brilliant listen, but throw in Durbin’s vocals and lyrics and you create something truly superb!

Next up ‘KINGS BEFORE YOU’ continues the old school heavy metal theme, this time with a somewhat Dio twist. It is a great track with loads of little bits to like, and any comparison made to the late great Ronnie should convey to you just how good it is! INTO THE FLAMES heads in a distinctly Ghost-like direction with melodious nods to tracks such as the mighty Square Hammer, but be not afraid, this is no cheap rip off but a carefully conjured original that allows its influence to shine through beautifully. ‘THE SACRED MOUNTAIN’ brings out more than just a little Rainbow influence, and the change of pace is effective and enchanting. Lyrics rooted in high fantasy, wonderful chunky guitar riffs and headbanging melody will draw the listener in and spirit them away to the mystic realms of which James sings.

I think it is worth a moment to comment on these legendary band comparisons. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a band or artist that wears their influences so proudly on their sleeve, but have no fear of cheap imitation, Durbin is the real deal! James seems to write originals in the same way a chef creates new dishes, using his influences as a chef might use spices. If this sounds a bit strange, then give these tracks a listen and you will spot what I mean. A dash of Dio here, a splash of Black Sabbath there… it’s a great recipe that means as long as you love classic metal, you will find a lot to like on this album. A teaspoon of Saxon always helps the metal go down, with new and old fans alike!

‘THE BEAST AWAKENS’ continues with this eclectic mix of metal influences and originality, founded upon something that sounds straight out of the back catalogues of 80’s Judas Priest. James’s soaring vocals work so perfectly, and the guitar solo delivered around the three minute mark is simply superb. ‘EVIL EYE’ channels a more modern metal sound, with some great riffage and incredibly catchy hooks, the best of which must be the superb chorus that puts me in mind of something from Evanescence.  Again, I advise the listener to crank the bass up on all these tracks, as Barry Sparks work on bass is brilliant! ‘NECROMANCER’ returns to a darker deeper metal sound, the lyrics so enchanting that the story they tell pulls you in and soon you will find your head nodding along to this great track. Again, it seems more rooted in modern metal, with a cheeky punk like twist to the vocals and melody.

‘RIDERS ON THE WIND’ slows the pace and returns to a very Dio-era Rainbow like style, laying bare James’s incredible voice and drawing the listener in with some fantastic song writing! This is an epic and needs to be treated as such. ‘CALLING OUT FOR MIDNIGHT’ kicks in straight afterwards, raising the pace to create a headbanging beauty of a track, dripping NWOBHM influences. I have to say, Mike Vanderhule’s drum lines are brilliant! Truly Durbin could not have found a better rhythm section in the business, and when these guys go to work the result is a tidal wave of sound that sweeps away any sceptic or idle listener, with James’s vocals surfing high above them. ‘BATTLE CRY’ loses the speed for another deep, epic track that might have been more at home next to Riders On The Wind – but that’s just my take. The song itself is rich and powerful, if somewhat sluggish and long in sections. The solo is a masterpiece of melodic guitar work, aiming for heights such as those achieved by greats like Jimmy Page.

‘BY THE HORNS’ mashes all of Durbin’s influences into an epic driving, classic, headbanger with a lot to like. Least of all the great lyrics! “Beyond the edge of fire, Racing for the sword, Dragging down the demon, BY THE HORNS!”. Having defeated the demon, finally we arrive at the end, its time to ‘RISE TO VALHALLA’. My first and only critique of this track, why is it not earlier in the album!?! This is a fantastic blend of Viking metal influences, sing along melodies, inspiring lyrics and great song writing as a whole! The pace is fast and furious, the musicianship superb and the feeling it gives you uplifting and glorious! Inspiring, headbanging and fist pumping, it’s a fitting sign off to the album that will stay with you for a long time.

In conclusion, if you like classic metal, listen to Durbin. That’s it. Pure and simple. Full stop. No frills or fancy words are required here! James has assembled an amazing group and poured his heart into creating brilliant originals, built on the classic metal foundations that we all know and love. As the man himself says in the opening track ‘PRINCE OF METAL’ “raise thy horns, and bang thy heads!”, and I think no further instructions are necessary.


The Prince Of Metal
Kings Before You
Into The Flames
The Sacred Mountain
The Beast Awakens
Evil Eye
Riders On The Wind
Calling Out For Midnight
Battle Cry
By The Horns
Rise Into Valhalla


This review is property of British Steel Sam and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties permission, or are part of the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities