SONIC HAVEN Album Review: “Vagabond”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Sonic Haven are a power metal band from Germany formed in 2021 by vocalist Herbie Langhans (Avantasia, Voodoo Circle, Sinbreed, Beyond The Bridge, Firewind). The bands debut album ‘Vagabond’ was released in the summer of 2021…

…and features an outstanding line-up of talent – drummer Andre Hilgers (Bonfire, Rage, Silent Force), guitarist Carsten Stepanowicz (Radiant), and bass player Dominik Stotzem (Beyond The Bridge). With so much talent on show, expectation is high for a great album, and it’s actually better than great – it’s fantastic! Fifty five minutes and eleven songs of unabashed power metal does not disappoint. The power and the oomph oozing from every song on offer is superb, none more so than the bombastic ball of energy that opens the album – the title song ‘Vagabond’. Scorching into sight with electrifying pace, ‘Vagabond’ epitomises the sound of European power metal – fast paced and highly infectious! What a glorious opening…

…that continues with the more mid tempo but nonetheless energetic ‘Back To Mad’ – a thundering slab of melodic power metal with a catchy sing a long style chorus. Sonic Haven may be a new band just making their mark, but all of the band members have already made their mark, coming together now to create something special…very special indeed. Pace quickens as ‘Nightmares’ storms in, adopting a mid paced heavy foot stomp as it menacingly ploughs on. The chorus break is yet another infectious sing a long affair – a live audience is gonna lap this up! The albums opening triple salvo has been a phenomenal statement of intent… Power metal of the highest order with high energy and intensity all wrapped up in a blanket of melodic mastery. And in the mighty shape of ‘Keep The Flame Alive’, melodic mastery is at its most masterful. An injection of oomph from the hard rock genre just adds weight to an already weighty song, weighted with the title of most infectious song on the album so far. Just take a listen to that chorus – it’s a perfect blend of melodic rock and AOR…yes AOR!

Not even half way through the album yet, and it’s already making a beeline for the Album Of The Year trophy. It’s gonna have fans of hard rock, power, and heavy metal clamouring to cast their votes! The classic sound of European power metal comes cascading out of the speakers as ‘End Of The World’ picks up steam and thunders off at pace. The galloping rhythm warms the heart, an affectionate reaction to a classic style that’s been around for over forty years. Get your heads moving guys and gals, ’cause ‘End Of The World’ is an incredible song that deserves the classic head banging salute! And for the first time on the album, all pace is dropped in favour of the mighty, meaty foot stomp, courtesy of ‘The Darker Side’. Mean and moody ‘The Darker Side’ shows err, the darker side of the band. Sonic Haven plod forth with ground shuddering foot stomps, yet are still able to inject a high amount of melodious intent during the chorus! Absolutely amazing!

And here comes the high energy once more… ‘I Believe’ a high paced and thunderous romp of traditional inspired heavy metal come power metal. Every trait you’d associate with the legendary NWOBHM sound, has been brought to the ‘I Believe’ fore, and mixed with the bands power metal roots. Sonic Haven have managed to create a winning formulae, and boy are they winning! Winning new fans…from everywhere! And whoosh – we slide into power ballad territory with ‘Save The Best For Last’. One of the heaviest power ballads you’re ever likely to hear, Sonic Haven create a massive lighters in the air moment – so make sure your lighters are full to the brim with fuel, ’cause you wouldn’t wanna be the one person out of the millions that doesn’t have their lighter burning brightly. Would you!

And I’m glad that ‘Save The Best For Last’ wasn’t a prophetic statement – as it wasn’t the last: there’s still three more songs on offer! ‘Blind The Enemy’ increases the pace, and gallops on with fire and brimstone. And a massive melodic edge, courtesy of the melodious streak that’s been present throughout the album from start to finish – yes I know it hasn’t finished yet, but I’m damn sure the melodic streak will be present right to the albums end! The heavy hitting ‘From White To Black’ plants itself across the borders of the hard rock, classic rock, AOR, and (obviously) power metal genres. The amalgamation of so many musical styles you’d think would be overkill! But no… ‘From White To Black’ is a boundary breaker, attracting fans from a wide range of metal and rock backgrounds. And what an anthem to close the album… ‘Striking Back’ is hard hitting anthemic metal straight outta the top drawer. And do I detect a little of the oomph from the epic and glory styles of metal too? You know, a Powerwolf or a Sabaton kinda oomph! What a way to close your debut album. An album with so much energy and intensity, not to mention pizzazz!

Overall, a fantastic album of melodic power metal, infectious, catchy, and memorable for all the right reasons, and a fierce contender for Album Of The Year.


Back To Mad
Keep The Flame Alive
End Of The World
The Darker Side
I Believe
Save The Best For Last
Blind The Enemy
From White To Black
Striking Back

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities