Album Review by Iron Mathew


Insania are a power metal band from Sweden formed in 1992, releasing five albums during their career to date – ‘World Of Ice’ (1999), ‘Sunrise In Riverland’ (2001), ‘Fantasy (A New Dimension)’ (2003), ‘Agony – Gift Of Life’ (2007), and 2021’s ‘V (Praeparatus Supervivet)’. Originally founded to play covers of bands such as Helloween and Iron Maiden, the band soon began to write their own songs, culminating with their ’99 debut. The band has seen a few line-up changes since their formation, and have been on hiatus for the past fourteen years.

Reformed and raring to go, the new album is an incredible sixty four minutes of blistering power metal. The energy and oomph of the album is off the charts, opening with the title song ‘Praeparatus Supervivet’ – a raging firestorm of full on and in your face power metal. Sweden is a country well known for producing a long line of great metal bands, and it’s fair to say that Insania are part of that line too. The energy and pace of the opening shot are carried forth with ‘Solur’, expanding upon the melodious intent of the first song. The force and finesse of European power metal has never been so great – Insania taking a leaf out of the Helloween song book. For ‘Solur’ has definite leanings toward the German legends sound. With a sudden slow down, ‘Prometheus Rise’ takes on the mantle of an epic power ballad with hymn-like leanings. Also, the anthemic metal style is brought to the fore as well, the chorus a chant like affair that an in concert crowd are surely gonna go wild for.

A little injection of the symphonic metal genre, takes ‘Moonlight Shadows’ on a soaring path high above the clouds. The pace is electrifying, the head bang ability off the charts, and the infectious level beyond anything they’ve reached previously. Insania are turning in a fairly breathless performance – although ‘My Revelation’ begins with a power ballad feel, quickly hardening like quick setting cement, to become a furious flourish of all out power metal. The pace and power of ‘My Revelation’ is top notch, providing all the head bangers of the world an excellent opportunity to get those heads moving fast. And heads will move even faster, with the blistering pace exhibited by ‘We Will Rise Again’. Displaying a heavier feel once more, ‘We Will Rise Again’ is a hearty, feel good romp of party styled power metal. Facial grins are gonna be a mile wide that’s for sure. Exquisite keyboards give life to ‘Like A Rising Star’ – before wham, bam, and fucking slam, scorching pace takes over and ‘Like A Rising Star’ becomes a fiery red hot speedster. Insania displaying their prowess at delivering a rousing power metal rampage.

And still the pace and power remain at levels that are gonna make noses bleed – ‘Blood, Tears And Agony’ racing on like a world champion sprinter heading for glory. The purpose and intent of ‘Blood, Tears And Agony’ is sky high, with the sing a long ability out of this world. And with absolutely no let up in pace still, the album powers on with ‘Entering Paradise’, the fastest song heard so far – Insania launching a ferocious tirade of speed inspired power metal. Heads are gonna be just a blur as they rock back and forth at a phenomenal rate. The breath taking intensity, power and pace shows no sign of relenting, as ‘Power Of The Dragonborn’ takes over the baton, proceeding to pummel and pound the senses with an aural attack of thunder. Yet all delivered with the highest level of melodious intent. And as we approach the hour mark, we find the albums final song heading into sight – ‘The Last Hymn To Life’ a mammoth seven and a half minutes in length. The heaviest and most “heavy metal” of all the songs on offer, ‘The Last Hymn To Life’ is a traditional metal/power metal blend that just excels. ‘V (Praeparatus Supervivet)’ has been a breath taker from start to finish, and unusual for a modern day power metal album, doesn’t contain a single power ballad. And I for one am not complaining.

Overall, a breath taking scorcher of pace, power, and intensity – Insania deliver an hour of searing power metal.


Praeparatus Supervivet
Prometheus Rise
Moonlight Shadows
My Revelation
We Will Rise Again
Like A Rising Star
Blood, Tears And Agony
Entering Paradise
Power Of The Dragonborn
The Last Hymn To Life

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities