BULLET RIDE Album Review: “At The Gates Of Hell”

“At The Gates Of Hell”
Album Review by The Metal Disciple


Hailing from the area of Paloise, France comes five-piece band Bullet Ride. Formed in 2014, the band has been relatively quiet as far as releases are concerned and, apart from a couple of singles since 2020, “At The Gates Of Hell” is actually their debut full-length offering.

The band consists of Manu [Vocals], Phillipe [Guitars], Alex [Guitars], Stéphane [Bass], and Thibaut [Drums]. “At The Gates Of Hell” was released on January 21st via Music Records and offers a wonderful concoction of Power and Thrash Metal, which is spread over ten tracks and runs for almost forty-eight minutes.

Storming out of the gates comes “World On Fire”, as this quintet get the album off to an absolutely flying start with a flurry of heavy riffs together with a breathless rhythm. “What Comes After” swiftly follows and keeps the speed levels high with another impressively heavy, chugging rhythm. The opening two numbers provide proof that these French musicians have the musical talent to compete with the best within the power/thrash metal genre. However, with that being said Manu’s vocals are of an acquired taste and take a little getting used to. But, that twin guitar attack is absolutely delightful!

“Point Of No Return” contains a rhythm to die for, and the punishing riffs will leave you battered and bruised, as the band lead you towards “Somewhere Else” in epic fashion. That being said, before proceeding, it’s advisable to give “Point Of No Return” another blast, because it’s such an addictive number. Once you’ve got that out of your system, “Somewhere Else” fools you into believing you’ve stumbled upon a nice, calm ballad… Don’t believe the lie! The switch will throw you against the wall as the band lands punches left, right, and centre with an onslaught of aggression.

After enduring that, “Weather The Storm” dishes out more punishing riffs during a pulsating four-and-a-half minutes. This number does, however, contain a neat melody and the shredding guitar solos are exquisite. Meanwhile, “Naked Greed” is driven by that (now) familiar power rhythm section of Stéphane and Thibaut, and sees Manu spew vocals at you in a venomous fury. This side of him has been heard in previous tracks, but not for an entire song. And, honestly, it works and offers another element to the heavy music. “Eternity” sees the return of the more cleaner vocal attack, but the riffs will have you bouncing around the room as they blast from the speakers.

“All At Sea” sees a drastic change in tempo, as delicious guitar licks edge you into the song. Your mind will be filled with images of a peaceful ocean, before those heavy riffs bring on the storm. The waves will crash in, unsettling the boat while you’re delighting in the melodic guitar solos, before this talented five-piece arrive at penultimate track “Dead And Back”. Driven by pulsating bass lines and pummeling drums, “Dead And Back” thunders past at breakneck speed. Seriously, you might need to take a trip to urgent care after listening to this one. But, hold on… Let Bullet Ride take you through the album closer “At The Gates Of Hell” first… You’ll be glad you obliged because the title track serves up six minutes of excellent chugging riffs and goosebump-inducing guitar licks from Phillipe and Alex, as the band leave one of the best songs ‘til the end. What a way to finish a fine album.

Overall, “At The Gates Of Hell” announces the arrival of Bullet Ride into a genre chock full of talented bands. Yet, the album is a solid effort that should see this French quintet hold their own and start climbing the ladder. Definitely an album worthy of your attention. Enjoy the ride into Hell!


World On Fire
What Comes After
Point Of No Return
Somewhere Else
Weather The Storm
Naked Greed
All At Sea
Dead And Back
At The Gates Of Hell


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