DESTRUCTION Album Review: “Diabolical”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Destruction are a thrash metal band from Germany formed in 1982 who, along with fellow countrymen Kreator, Sodom, and Tankard, placed German thrash metal firmly and squarely on the international map, creating a brand of thrash full of brutality, aggression and ferocity. During their incredible forty year career, the band have released an amazing fifteen studio albums – with 2022’s ‘Diabolical’ the bands fifteenth! Destruction have always been at the forefront of the worldwide thrash metal scene, and with their new album, are likely to remain there for a few more years yet.

“diabolical”, according to a brief internet search, is something bad or unpleasant – so for Destruction to title their new album ‘Diabolical’ is totally the wrong interpretation of the bands latest offering. A more apt title would have been the complete opposite of diabolical – excellent! For that is exactly what the bands new album is – excellent. Twelve songs and forty five minutes of uncompromising thrash, is what’s on offer from the German legends – but first the band need to get you under their spell! Which they do with ease, courtesy of the one minute anticipation fuelled intro ‘Under The Spell’ – and then all fucking hell breaks loose, as the title song ‘Diabolical’ roars into life with total aggression and an incredible “metal” scream from vocalist Schmier. Destruction are back and fiercer than ever! ‘Diabolical’ (the song) is a fast and furious high velocity thunderstorm that will test the most seasoned of head bangers to keep pace – I just hope you’ve warmed your neck muscles up properly!

The high velocity pace of the opener seems slow compared to the phenomenal speed of the ferocious ‘No Faith In Humanity’. The band are firing all cylinders as they power on with unbeatable brutality, wrecking necks left right and fucking centre. If you’re looking for an album of old school thrash delivered at an incredible speed, then look no further than veterans Destruction – a band that’ll never let you down. Changing down a couple of gears, the band increase the heaviness and adopt a savage foot stomp for ‘Repent Your Sins’ – a scowling scorcher of sinister stature. It’s amazing to think that even after four decades at the top, Destruction haven’t lost any of the fire that has made them thrash metal superstars. They are still an honest band that fly the flag of thrash very proudly. And as quick as the electrifying pace dissipated – it’s back again! ‘Hope Dies Last’ continues the savage barrage of thrash, and is the fastest song heard so far. The pace is absolutely incredible – I haven’t stopped head banging since the album began! And that doesn’t bode well for someone who wears glasses! Or is writing at the same time – my laptops spell checker program is in fucking overdrive!

The many bands that pioneered heavy metal (and its glorious sub genres of thrash and power metal) during the eighties are becoming the last of a dying breed – although after forty years I reckon most of these bands still have another ten in them yet. Destruction included! ‘The Last Of A Dying Breed’ is a phenomenally paced powerhouse of pulsating thrash metal that is gonna send many listeners to A & E with severe neck injuries. But are you gonna go before the album is over? Hell no! Let’s finish listening first, and then go… For ‘State Of Apathy’ maintains the blistering speed, belting the hell out of the airways. The phenomenal force of the band is unstoppable, Destruction delivering a master class in thrash metal savagery. All you young, up and coming bands take heed – this is how you do it! And just for good measure and probably to give listeners a little breather, the album slows to a mid paced heavy stomp for ‘Tormented Soul’. The growling scowling vocals of Schmier are demonic, as ‘Tormented Soul’ conjures up terrifying images of hell, with souls being tormented by the Devil himself. And just a little piece of friendly advice – don’t listen to ‘Tormented Soul’ immediately before going to sleep, or you’ll have the scariest of all scary nightmares! You’ve been warned.

And the blistering speed makes an emphatic return, in the mighty shape of ‘Servant Of The Beast’ – banging heads more viciously than ever before. If you thought you’d heard the last of high velocity thrash – then think again! Destruction still have plenty left in the tank, and with three songs remaining, you better do too! ‘Cause I have a gut feeling there is much more savagery yet to come. Oh, by the way – if you thought the album was progressing at lightning speed, you’d be right! Of the twelve songs on offer, none exceed five minutes – with six not even reaching the four minute mark! Amazing! Rattling into life and adopting a more traditional metal pace, ‘The Lonely Wolf’ is a perfect example of the melodic thrash metal style. Bands such as Testament, Annihilator and Flotsam And Jetsam are premier melodic thrashers – a style of thrash that caters to a very wide array of metal fans.

“bloodsucker” growls Schmier menacingly, as ‘Ghost From the Past’ explodes into life and storms on with incredible speed – a speed that’s been pretty consistent throughout the album. Destruction are proving – although they have nothing left to prove – their stature as one of the worlds best thrash metal bands is deserved. The band have been around for four decades, with each and every album a roaring monster – ‘Diabolical’ (the album) yet another one. Bringing the album to a close is the savagery of ‘Whorefication’, adopting fifth gear out of six, banging heads with just as much brutality as any other song on offer. Destruction’s fifteenth album has been nothing short of excellent, blending unbeatable brutality with unstoppable speed. Highly recommended.

Overall, a high velocity thrash metal rampage, full of savagery and neck breaking brutality.


Under The Spell
No Faith In Humanity
Repeat Your Sins
Hope Dies Last
The Last Of A Dying Breed
State Of Apathy
Tormented Soul
Servant Of The Best
The Lonely Wolf
Ghost From The Past

This review is the property of Iron Mathew, Frenzy Fire, and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities