POWERTRYP Album Review: “Midnight Marauder”

“Midnight Marauder”
Album Review by Piers Renfree


Powertryp are a heavy power metal band that was formed in Erlangen, Germany in 2010. Currently consisting of Johannes “Gonzo” Korda” (vocals), Stefan Dziallas (guitar), Cole Stabler (guitar), Frank “Prilli” Prillip (bass) and Michael Zerrath (drums), the band’s first release came in 2015,with the six track E.P. “Endless Power”. This was followed in 2022, by the bands debut album “Midnight Marauder”.

And so, without any introduction, we’re off at breakneck speed – think “Kill Em All” era Metallica, but with better vocals. We have guitar harmonies that Iron Maiden would be proud of and a catchy, sing-along chorus. And that’s just the first song, “Brothers In Speed”. Things don’t let up with the second song “Doors Are Locked Now”, but then we have an epic ballad-esque intro for the third song “By My Hand”. Although the song isn’t a ballad, this passage does show that the band have plenty of strings to their bow. The pace is dropped a bit for this song, from the opening duo, and the band go into a more epic sounding passage for the chorus.

The band treat us to plenty of fluid, yet well thought out guitar solos throughout the album and Frank Prillip gives us a fantastic, pulsating bass rhythm in the sixth song “Chapel Of Steel”. The longest song on offer here is the near nine minute “Out Of Ashes”. 

Fans of 80’s trad and thrash metal will find plenty amongst the music to satisfy their appetites. The production here is crisp and clear, the songcrafting is of a very high quality and the musicianship is top notch. Powertryp have plenty of potential and if they can continue to deliver albums of this strength, then they will deserve to be headlining festivals and playing arenas.


Brothers In Speed
Doors Are Locked Now
By My Hand
Here’s Control
Chapel Of Steel
Hotter Than Hellfire
Out Of Ashes
No Pride
Nail Your Prophet


This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities