MANIAC ABDUCTOR Album Review: “Damage Is Done”

“Damage Is Done”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Maniac Abductor are a thrash metal band from Finland formed in 2013, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Thrash Assault’ in 2015. The bands debut full length offering, ‘Casualties Of Causality’ was released in 2019, with their sophomore album ‘Damage Is Done’ a 2022 release…

…featuring eight fast paced thrash metal romps over a blistering thirty three minutes! Think an amalgamation of legendary thrashers Exodus, Havok, and Slayer – and you’ll have some idea of what Manic Abductor’s new album sounds like. An album that explodes into life with the title song ‘Damage Is Done’ – a ferociously fast paced opener that immediately takes hold of the senses, sending them into overdrive. Heads will be banging hard right from the off as the band hit the ground running, taking absolutely no prisoners as they forge ahead with the equally fast ‘Odd Man Out’. Screaming on at a furious pace, ‘Odd Man Out’ is gonna keep the mosh pits happy, every single metal head banging their head at a pace that is gonna stretch neck muscles to the limit – and beyond!

Displaying a rare moment of mellowness, Maniac Abductor slow burn their way into ‘Disciples Of Hate’ – before accelerating to a speed that’ll incur the wrath of traffic cops! The high velocity pace mixed with the bands brutish nature is an incredible mix, and with a huge amount of aggression thrown in too, ‘Disciples Of Hate’ is gonna blow you away. Without dropping the brutal intensity, ‘Human Greed’ blazes a fiery trail of fire and brimstone, as it hungrily devours everything in its path. Think a massive tornado ripping through the countryside destroying foliage, wildlife, and small buildings, and you just may get some idea of the bands sound! And unbelievably, ‘Endless War’ increases the speed of the album, powering on at a breakneck velocity, forcing heads to move back and forth at a pace they were definitely not designed for! Hope you got the ‘phone number for the local emergency services? You know – just in case…

‘Justice Denied’ maintains the speed of the previous song, injecting a little more aggression and brutality. Maniac Abductor have lost none of their fire or desire during the three years since their debut – if anything, it’s actually higher now than it was back then. The band delivering thrash metal as it’s meant to be, fast, aggressive, and in your face. ‘Off To Deathrow’ is as harrowing as the song titles’ direction suggests – a fiery and devastating journey of hard hitting, heavy kicking thrash. The band are not letting go of the intensity baton, keeping their foot well and truly on the pedal – speeding down the heavy metal highway at an extreme speed! Clocking in at six and a half minutes in length, the albums final offering ‘Ghosts Of The Killing Fields’ has an exquisite and mellow build up, before changing style with an abrasive guitar riff. And while ‘Ghosts Of The Killing Fields’ is not full of blistering pace, it does mix slow and heavy with fast and furious.

Overall, a fast paced and aggressive half hour of in your face brutality, ‘Damage Is Done’ is an all out rampage of thrash.


Damage Is Done
Odd Man Out
Disciples Of Hate
Human Greed
Endless War
Justice Denied
Off To Deathrow
Ghosts Of The Killing Fields

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities