HEART ATTACK Album Review: “Negative Sun”

“Negative Sun”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Heart Attack are a thrash metal band from France formed in 2006 releasing three albums to date – ‘Stop Pretending’ (2013), ‘The Resilience’ (2017), and ‘Negative Sun’, released in 2022…

…featuring nine ferociously aggressive thrash metal romps! The kinda romps that have become synonymous with the French four piece. For forty fast paced minutes, the band will steam roller you into next week, flattening you and everything around you with a brutality brewed from the likes of Gojira, Machine Head, and (early) Metallica. Straight out the gate, the band roar their intentions with the two minute tribal sounding brutality of ‘Rituals’ – setting a heavy precedent for what is to come. And what is to come is the blistering ‘Septic Melody’ – full of anger, aggression, and attitude. Heart Attack are ferocious with their delivery, hurtling along at high velocity, taking absolutely no prisoners with their abrasive thrash attack. Not for the faint of heart ‘Wings Of Judgement’ is a ferocious fury of full on thrash, with an aggressive in your face fuelled attitude.

Hitting the accelerator and taking off at high speed, ‘World Consumption’ is a ferocious and fast paced thrasher with a sprinkling of groove – the band mixing thrash with a little metalcore for an absolutely devastating sound. If you’re not willing to listen to the bone breaking, skull crushing devastation of Heart Attack’s new album, you may as well go listen to some pop music now…you fucking softie! Meanwhile, every die hard metaller with a “death by metal” philosophy, let’s move on with the groove metal styled ‘The Messenger’ – swinging through various genres as it thunders forth, shaking the ground and reducing buildings to rubble. Featuring special guest (vocalist) Rasta from the Polish death/groove metal band Decapitated, ‘Twisted Sacrifice’ is a searing rage of angst and anger – Rasta’s vocals displaying more scowl, menace, and aggression than Heart Attack’s singer Kevin Geyer!

I reckon we should class Heart Attack as a “groove thrash” band, for while ‘Bound To This Land’ has a scathing vocal delivery, the music maintains the albums trend of mixing thrash, groove, metalcore and a little of the glorious sound of traditional heavy metal. Yes indeed, the Frenchmen are developing a unique style which is gonna shock many, and amaze many more. Putting their foot down hard on the gas pedal, the band accelerate fast with ‘Take Your Pride Back’ storming forth in a cloud of fire and brimstone. Everything the band stand for musically is on show throughout ‘Take Your Pride back’ – a song that goes a long way in defining the bands sound. The final song – and also the title song – chimes in at almost six minutes in length and is an epic genre hopping journey. From the mellow slow burning intro to the crescendo building thunderstorm of grunge-like progressive thrash, ‘Negative Sun’ (the song) keeps ramping up the intensity level to become a high velocity rampage. A definite expansion on the bands core sound, ‘Negative Sun’ (the song) shows the band are more than just an aggressive and angry metal machine.

Overall, a bone breaking, skull crushing rampage of aggression and menace, ‘Negative Sun’ is loaded with groove thrash.


Septic Melody
Wings Of Judgement
World Consumption
The Messenger
Twisted Sacrifice
Bound To This Land
Take Your Pride Back
Negative Sun


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities