TORN FABRIKS Album Review: “Impera”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Torn Fabriks are a thrash metal band from Portugal formed in 2020, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Mind Consumption’ in 2021, and their debut full length album ‘Impera’ in 2022.

Following last years E.P. of rapid fire brutality, Torn Fabriks return with their first full length album – ten songs across an aggressive thirty five minutes! The band have lost none of their scathing ferocity, the new album coming to life by way of the one minute intro ‘Intro’ – a mellow-ish, yet haunting, almost sinister stroll, building the tension ’til crash, bang, wallop, all fucking hell breaks loose with the fiery ‘Outcome’. Full of savage brutality ‘Outcome’ is fast paced and highly aggressive, totally in your face, and proof that Torn Fabriks have not mellowed in the two years since their debut release! The ferocious thrash attack continues with ‘Hallucinating Levels’, the snarling vocals of singer Ricardo Santos as menacing as ever. The blistering pace the band have began the album with is phenomenal, the opening double savagely banging heads. Mosh pits are gonna be in a total frenzy with this one! Increasing the levels of energy, brutality, ferocity, hell – levels of everything, ‘Here’ is a fast paced thrasher designed to test the flexibility of the human neck muscles! Just try an’ keep up with ‘Here’ and see what I mean.

Without stopping to take a breath, Torn Fabriks steam on with ‘Leave Me’, a brutal barrage of thundering thrash metal to clear the cobwebs off all the old head bangers around the world. I say old – but it may as well be all the head bangers regardless of age! For ‘Leave Me’ doesn’t leave you – it berates you, it gets under your skin, and it makes your blood boil with excitement! ‘Impera’ is an exciting album, an album that features ten songs – all clocking in at under four minutes in length! Incredible! Storming on, the band keep the pedal well and truly to the floor with the barnstorming ‘Red Alert’. Quicker than what’s gone before, ‘Red Alert’ is a ferocious rampage of fast paced thrash…probably one of the best descriptions ever of the bands sound. And for the first time since the album began, Torn Fabriks drop a gear for ‘Against All Odds’, delivering a more, dare I say it, heavy metal sound than heard so far. There – I said it. The gruff and rough vocals remain however, reminding us all that this is still Torn Fabriks!

‘We Torn Fabriks’, featuring guest vocalist Pedro Junqueiro (from Portuguese thrashers Booby Trap), is an electrifying fast paced romp. Likely it’s an anthem for the band, ‘We Torn Fabriks’ is the quickest song heard so far, rumbling and rattling along! The head bang ability is off the fucking charts, Torn Fabriks delivering what will surely become a mosh pit favourite. The band have got to play this one live – surely! Maintaining the highest level of speed, ‘Highest Price’ marches on at high velocity. With its highly angry and aggressive nature, ‘Highest Price’ is an unrelenting barrage of brutality that may garner the attention of local law enforcement in relation to crimes of assault and battery. Bringing the album to a close, ‘Rise Or Fall’ is more fast paced aggression to head bang vigorously to. For the last thirty five minutes Torn Fabriks have delivered a bone breaking, head crushing barrage of thunderous thrash metal – the type of thrash that is both exhilarating and breath taking.

Overall, a relentless rampage of all out thrash, ‘Impera’ is a neck breaking barrage of head bang ability.


Hallucinating Levels
Leave Me
Against All Odds
We Torn Fabriks (feat. Pedro Junqueiro)
Highest Price
Rise Or Fall

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities