DYNAZTY Album Review: “Final Advent”

“Final Advent”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Dynazty are a hard rock/metal band from Sweden formed in 2008, releasing eight albums to date – ‘Bring The Thunder’ (2009), ‘Knock You Down’ (2011), ‘Sultans Of Sin’ (2012), ‘Renatus’ (2014), ‘Titanic Mass’ (2016), ‘Firesign’ (2018), ‘The Dark Delight’ (2020), and ‘Final Advent’, released in 2022…

…making it an incredible eight albums in just thirteen years! Dynazty turning into a phenomenal music making machine – with the bands latest opus ‘Final Advent’, an absolute scorcher. Seamlessly melding the best traits of rock and metal, the bands new album is ten songs and forty heavy hitting minutes long – and methinks this is probably their best work to date. So strap yourselves in readers and listeners, this is gonna be a blast! As confirmed by the albums opener ‘Power Of Will’ – exploding into life with pure energy. High paced and high tempo, ‘Power Of Will’ stands proudly on the border of rock and metal, displaying the classic “foot on the monitor” feel of traditional heavy metal. Rockers will be head banging along with metallers to this one, the band launching their latest album in phenomenal style.

Adopting a more mid tempo feel, ‘Yours’ has all the hallmarks of a hymn-like stroll. And when ‘Yours’ comes to life proper – OMG! A mighty anthemic feel descends over the song and mixes with the hymn-like nature I mentioned earlier, to become a majestic march of magnificence. Returning the energetic oomph of the albums opener, ‘Advent’ also increases the bombastic feel, with ‘Advent’ proceeding to become the punchiest offering out of the albums first three songs. What an absolute barnstormer of an opening threesome – which becomes a foursome in the mighty shape of the highly infectious ‘Natural Born Killer’. Energy and pizzazz combine perfectly, with Dynazty delivering one helluva catchy and sing a long style chorus. This is surely gonna be a crowd participation moments of the highest order – and a moment I would love to be a part of! But only if the band perform ‘Natural Born Killer’ live of course.

With no loss of the incredible energy Dynazty have begun ‘Final Advent’ with, the band storm on with the faster paced and heavier ‘All The Devils Are Here’ – and the massive melodic edge that is running right through the album. ‘Final Advent’ is only halfway through, but is displaying the band at their very best – and most likely their best work to date too! ‘The White’ – the third part of the trilogy following ‘The Grey’ (‘Firesign’) and ‘The Black’ (‘The Dark Delight’) – is simply magnificent. More hard rocking than anything heard so far, ‘The White’ is punchy yet melodic, infectious and addictive, with the biggest hook ever, to keep listeners fully attentive from start to finish. Mid tempo and heavy hitting like a wrecking ball in full flight, ‘Instinct’ resembles a big number at the opera – bold, epic, and show stopping! And the energy levels – sky high! Where do the band get it from I wonder. And then I realise the band are from Sweden – a country with an endless supply of energy.

A more mellow feel greets the ears as ‘Heart Of Darkness’ gets underway – soon to be replaced by the bands bludgeoning hard rock onslaught. Dynazty are on absolute fire with this album, rocking harder than ever, delivering gem after gem. ‘Heart Of Darkness’ gem number eight out of ten! And with no let up in the levels of energy, intensity, and pizzazz, ‘Final Advent’ storms on with ‘Achilles Heel’ – the only song to breach the five minute mark! Becoming the (new) punchiest song on offer, ‘Achilles Heel’ is loaded with oomph and bombast, and will most likely knock many listeners into next week! But not me – I’m a rock and metal veteran with four decades of being punched, slapped and assaulted with all manner of songs from rock to metal to thrash…and I’m still standing! So bring it on! Which the band do – with the albums final hurrah. ‘Power Of Now’ the fastest song on offer. With energy levels remaining so high they’re basically unreadable, Dynazty bring their new album to a barnstorming end.

Overall, a high energy romp of hard rock come metal, ‘Final Advent’ is infectious and catchy, and Dynazty’s best work to date.


Power Of Will
Natural Born Killer
All The Devils Are Here
The Whole
Heart Of Darkness
Achilles Heel
Power Of Now


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities