TERMINATION FORCE E.P. Review: “Netherworld”

E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Termination Force are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 2021, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Netherworld’ in 2022.

Combining traditional heavy metal with thrash elements, British metallers Termination Force come storming outta the blocks with their debut release – the five song E.P. ‘Netherworld’, opening with the head turner ‘After The Fall’. And a thundering rhythm that instantly resonates with traditional metallers everywhere…including this one! As a teenager during the glorious eighties, I gorged on a diet of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Grave Digger, Accept and Anvil…traditional metal becoming my first true musical love. And although my taste has now widened to include hard rock, power and thrash metal, it’ll always be the sound of classic heavy metal that gets my immediate attention. So it’s with a massive smile across my face that I listen to ‘After The Fall’ – and from a British band too!

The E.P. moves on menacingly with the bands self titled song ‘Termination Force’ cutting a more savage path across the land than the opening salvo ever did! Bringing to the fold a melodic thrash metal influence ala bands such as Death Angel and Flotsam And Jetsam, Termination Force straddle the border between thrash and traditional heavy metal. Which is where the band primarily stand for the entirety of their debut release – ‘Target Locked’ picking up the pace and storming forth with much more purpose and intent than the two previous songs. The E.P. is five songs across just eighteen minutes – the band having to make an impact fairly quickly. And I believe they do – ‘Netherworld’ (the E.P.) getting heavier and faster the longer it progresses.

And now for the fastest song heard so far – ‘Heart Racer’ setting a scorching pace as it accelerates outta the blocks like a champion sprinter going for gold. The thunder, fire, and brimstone contained within ‘Heart Racer’ is incredible, the band rocking hard and rolling harder! Termination Force end their debut E.P. with the title song ‘Netherworld’ – the most melodic and traditional metal sounding song on offer. The punch is anthemic, the oomph really powerful, the band trotting to a finish with a massive “foot on the monitor” feel. An impressive debut from a new band – keep an eye and ear out for Termination Force, I have a feeling we’re gonna be hearing a lot more from this outfit.

Overall, a bombastic barrage of thrash tinged traditional heavy metal, infectious and highly head bang-able.


After The Fall
Termination Force
Target Locked
Heart Racer


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities