T3NORS Album Review: “Naked Soul”

“Naked Soul”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


T3NORS are an American based melodic rock band formed in 2022 releasing their debut album ‘Naked Soul’ in 2023.

You may have heard of The Three Tenors – the operatic singing trio of Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and Jose Carreras. You’re more likely to have heard of The Three Tremors – the heavy metal band formed by three of metals greatest singers – Tim “Ripper” Owens, Harry “The Tyrant” Conklin, and Sean “The Hell Destroyer” Peck. Well now there’s a rock version of the three singer approach – T3NORS, featuring Robbie LaBlanc, Toby Hitchcock, and Kent Hilli (Perfect Plan). The pairing of these singers has been engineered by the Frontiers Music record label – all three artists already on the Frontiers Music roster! The bands debut album is eleven songs long, and a hearty forty four minutes of infectious melodic rock with a sprinkling of AOR – all coming to life with the soft rocker ‘April Rain’. And a melodic/AOR swagger highly reminiscent of those heady days during the eighties when rock was still a developing style of music. The smooth meanderings of ‘April Rain’ is accompanied by a gentle punch and a sing a long-able chorus – a sparkling way to introduce the new album, and of course a new band. The title song ‘Naked Soul’ is more up tempo, and features a harder punch than the albums opener, bringing to the surface a party anthem feel, inviting heads to nod, feet to tap, and everyone to get up and dance!

The singers are perfectly matched, their voices seamlessly blending like the colours of a rainbow, maintaining the party atmosphere with ‘Nights’, pounding the ground hard, sending hooks to the hard rock fanatics to draw them into the T3NORS universe and listen to their music. And listen they will – for the music is loaded with infectious melodies and sizzling energy! So why wouldn’t any rock fan love this kind of music! The band, moving on with the AOR led ‘Time Is Coming’, meld every style of rock in their collective arsenal – all three singers bringing a wealth of experience to the recording studio. Every song so far has been engaging and thoroughly enjoyable – the enjoyability moving up a notch with the faster paced ‘Silent Cries’. The tempo, the energy, the pizzazz – all the levels increasing too, ‘Silent Cries’ the nearest ‘Naked Soul’ (the album) has come to falling head over heels into the hard rock genre.

And maintaining that precipice stance, ‘Torn’ is a bustling rocker with a heaviness not heard across the albums first five songs – the band now appealing to every single rock fan in the world. As the album has progressed, so has its growth, T3NORS moving and shaking all around the rock genre, swinging this way and that to provide a multitude of styles to satisfy a very wide audience. Even this old metalhead is finding something extremely attractive about the bands music! Out of the eleven songs on offer, an incredible eight chime in at under four minutes in length! Talk about good things coming in small packages! Balladry comes to the fore in the shape of ‘I Could’ – but is it really? ‘I Could’ becoming heavier, more hymn-like with a strong anthemic edge. So no, not a ballad, but a wonderfully crafted AOR come soft rock swagger. Bringing a brand of bombastic rock that legends Europe set fire to the world with in the mid eighties, T3NORS are gonna also set fire to the world with ‘Mother Love’ – a head strong romp of bold rock that’s gonna turn heads. The band continuing their phenomenal jaunt around every inch of the rock genre.

So not only are T3NORS gonna set the world on fire, they’re also gonna set fire to the rain – the stunning ‘Set Fire To The Rain’ a colossal thunderstorm of heavy rock! I’m telling ya, this album is just getting better and better, stronger and stronger, and more attractive as each song dances on by. Sounding a tad more progressive than anything heard so far, ‘Stand For Love’ is a heavy rocker with a swashbuckling attitude to cut and thrust into the very heart and soul of every rock fan in the world. The pace is very head bang-able too, so metalheads are also a target for the bands hard rocking attack. Which is by no means over – the albums final hurrah ‘Strength To Carry On’, is a barnstorming hard rock romp! You know those albums you think are gonna be okay, and then turn out to be fucking great! Well, ‘Naked Soul’ the debut album from T3NORS, is just one of those albums.

Overall, a hard rocking and highly attractive journey of melodic rock come AOR, ‘Naked Soul’ is a cracking album.


April Rain
Naked Soul
Time Is Coming
Silent Cries
I Could
Mother Love
Set Fire To The Rain
Stand For Love
Strength To Carry On

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities