KARDINAL SIN Album Review: “S.A.L.I.G.I.A”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Kardinal Sin are a melodic power metal band from Sweden formed in 2014, releasing their debut album ‘Victorious’ in 2017, with sophomore album ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A’ a 2023 release…

…featuring ten songs over a forty eight minute run time. Kardinal Sin’s second effort, is a much heavier and more complex offering than the bands debut with more elaborate songs and arrangements. For example, the three part ‘Wasteland Symphony’ is spread throughout the album rather than running consecutively! But more on that as it unfolds – cause right now, the album bustles into life with ‘They Crashed In The Storm’ – a fast paced power metal romp, featuring all the hallmarks of European power metal grit. And surely I don’t need to remind you all of what they are!

A blistering opening salvo, Kardinal Sin follow it with the first part of the symphony trilogy, ‘The Beginning Of The End (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 1)’ opening with a short scene setting passage. And then boom – a majestic swagger, the likes of Sabaton and Powerwolf would be proud of, takes over the airways, the band marching on tall and very proud. Resonating with all the vibes of symphonic power metal ‘The Beginning Of The End (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 1)’ also boasts a storytelling feel – and why wouldn’t it! After all, it is the first of a three part story! The first single released from the album ‘Siege Of Jerusalem’, is a heavy hitter, yet still displays the majestic swagger heard previously. And as for the chorus – a highly sing a long-able affair with a rabble rousing call to arms feel that every listener, fan and follower will answer. And loudly too! Continuing the story (or saga), ‘Lost Imperium (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 2)’ is faster paced than part one, but nonetheless majestic. Changing gears, tempo and attitude, ‘Lost Imperium (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 2)’ is an epic tune, and has the most sing-able chorus you could wish for – Kardinal Sin delivering an in-concert sing a long for sure!

And as the album moves on with ‘Reveal The Sinners Soul’ – a glorious old school metal guitar sound fills the air. The kinda guitar sound synonymous with the iconic NWOBHM evolution. ‘Reveal The Sinners Soul’ is a heavy hitting slab of anthemic metal that shudders the ground it walks on – err no, the ground it stomps on! And as we’re now becoming accustomed to, the band launch into another fantastic sing a long style chorus. The band have sure made their sophomore album easy to sing a long to. I’m no singer but I’m singing along anyway. And yes regular readers you’re absolutely correct – I do tend to sing a long to everything I listen to. But with Kardinal Sin, it just seems so damn easier! Kudos to the band – and plenty of it! Title song ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A’ returns the symphonic feel of earlier, more specifically a Powerwolf feel. The bold and all consuming sound of ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A’ (the song) is a pleasure to the ear, and would grace a theatre in London’s famous West End – the place to be if you’re an opera fan! ‘In The Line Of Fire’ – and no, not the 1993 film starring Clint Eastwood and John Malkovich – is a mid tempo melodic march of tension fuelled power metal with an infectious level that rockets off the charts! From the start, ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A’ (the album) caught your attention, grabbing it hard and not letting go – the album holding you in a vice-like grip!

With an upturn in energy and pace, ‘Devastation’ is a glorious gallop of traditional heavy metal melded with the bands power metal pomp. The intensity of ‘Devastation’ is as incredible as the albums overall intensity, the band delivering a consistent level of head bang ability. Every metalhead in every country of the world saluting Kardinal Sin with head banging and the raising of fists high in the air. ‘The Velvet Lies’ is a calming mid paced march of hard rocking heavy metal. If ever there’s such a thing I hear you say! Of course there is – you’re listening to it! The band managing to inject an air of calm into a thunderous stomp. Simply magical! The third and final part of the trilogy ‘The Aftermath (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 3)’ is the longest of the three, clocking in at six and a half minutes in length. And the heaviest too – swinging from very heavy to a foot stomping stampede to a symphonic swagger, and throwing a little progressive metal in there too! The band arming ‘The Aftermath (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 3)’ to the teeth with everything in their arsenal, to deliver a show stopping finale.

Overall, melodious power metal with a symphonic edge, ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A’ is an infectious swagger of majestic proportions.


They Crashed In The Storm
The Beginning Of The End (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 1)
Siege Of Jerusalem
Lost Imperium (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 2)
Reveal The Sinners Soul
In The Line Of Fire
The Velvet Lies
The Aftermath (Wasteland Symphony Pt. 3)


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.