LANCER Album Review: “Tempest”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Lancer are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2009, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Purple Sky’ in 2012, and to date four albums – ‘Lancer’ (2013), ‘Second Storm’ (2015), ‘Mastery’ (2017), and ‘Tempest’, released in 2023…

…featuring new members, vocalist Jack L. Stroem (Vandor) and drummer Pontus Andren, alongside bass player Emil Oberg, and guitarists Ewo Solvelius and band founder Fredrik Kelemen. The bands new album ‘Tempest’ is ten songs and fifty minutes of energetic and highly infectious heavy metal to get the adrenaline flowing, Lancer perfectly blending traditional metal with power metal. ‘Purest Power’ opens the album in swashbuckling fashion, a crescendo of drums shaking the ground as the song lurches forth with a “foot on the monitor” mentality and an insane desire to bang heads! There are elements of progressive metal sewn into the fabric of ‘Purest Power’ too, Lancer not afraid to diversify from their heavy metal tag.

And talking of tags, Lancer run very close to the hard rock style of music as well – fans of both genres finding the bands brand of metal very attractive. After such an energetic start, the album powers on with the equally energetic ‘Fan The Flames’, the melodious side of the band shining very brightly. The new vocalist appears to have settled in very quickly, his voice perfectly suited to the bands style of melodic heavy metal – melodic heavy metal that just gathers even more momentum, rolling like a rock down a hillside! For the pace quickens with the highly infectious ‘Entity’, portraying a sparkling sing along ability, the chorus a must sing along for every listener, fan, follower and concert goer. A wonderful opening threesome to hook everyone in, the band are simply red hot, ‘Tempest’ exploding into life with the fastest song heard so far – ‘Out Of The Sun’. Hurtling on ala power metal, Lancer offer the worlds head bangers an opportunity to vigorously bang their heads. And bang them they will too, for ‘Out Of The Sun’ is an out and out speedster!

Moving into anthemic metal territory, the title song ‘Tempest’ is a swaggering mid tempo thunderstorm, the band pounding the ground hard as a hymn-like nature also rises high in the air. Some might say ‘Tempest’ (the song) is balladry, but for me it’s just too heavy to be a ballad, but don’t let me stop you all raising your lighters high to salute a cracking song. The forty second ‘Corruption’ acts as an anticipation fuelled intro for the thundering ‘Blind Faith’ – showing more hustle and bustle than any other song heard so far. The more bullish nature of ‘Blind Faith’ is kept in check by the bands incredible melodious intent, Lancer maintaining the phenomenal intensity ‘Tempest’ (the album) began with.

And keeping the bullish nature well and truly alive, ‘We Furiously Reign’ is actually a little bit furious! Lancer deliver a very heavy song in the shape of ‘We Furiously Reign’ yet still manage to convey their melodic metal roots! Simply amazing stuff from the Swedish five-piece. And with the energy level still high, the album motors on with ‘Eye For An Eye’, hitting the hardest of any song on offer! The band have been relentless in terms of intensity and energy, offering sing along after sing along, as well as tonnes of head bang ability. And as the final song comes creeping over the horizon, ‘Tempest’ (the album) has been thoroughly enjoyable and a hundred percent infectious. ‘The Grand Masquerade’ is the albums final hurrah – and what a hurrah! Elegance and majesty go hand in hand here, the band delivering an unforgiving majestic epic, an album ender that’s the icing on the cake. If you’re a fan of infectious and highly melodic heavy metal, then this album is just for you.

Overall, an energetic, catchy, and highly sing a long-able album of heavy metal, Lancer hit the sweet spot.


Purest Power
Fan The Flames
Out Of The Sun 
Blind Faith 
We Furiously Reign
Eye For An Eye
The Grand Masquerade

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities