DREAM EVIL Album Review: “Metal Gods”

“Metal Gods”
Album Review by Iron Mathew



Dream Evil are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 1999 releasing seven albums to date – ‘Dragonslayer’ (2002), ‘Evilized’ (2003), ‘The Book Of Heavy Metal’ (2004), ‘United’ (2006), ‘In The Night’ (2010), ‘Six’ (2017), and ‘Metal Gods’, emerging (coincidentally) seven years after the bands prior album!

Founded by guitarists Fredrik Nordstrom and Gus G. (Firewind, Gus G.), the bands name was inspired by the title of Dio’s 1987 album ‘Dream Evil’ – Dream Evil making an emphatic entrance into the world of heavy metal with four albums in just five years! The band blend traditional, and power metal with an immense amount of energy, the resulting sound a glorious mix of Helloween’s power, Judas Priest’s drive, and Dio’s elegance – but with lots more oomph! Lots, lots more! The bands current line-up features vocalist Niklas Isfeldt, bass player Peter Stalfors, guitarist Mark Black, and drummer Soren Fardvik alongside founder Nordstrom – the bands new album, ten songs of unabashed and unbridled heavy metal! That’s heavy metal as it should sound like, with absolutely none of the emerging “modern metal” phenomena – Dream Evil proving across forty two minutes that they are indeed metal gods! As am I too – for I am chief editor and writer right here, for Metal Gods TV!

And it’s a hundred percent appropriate that the band launch their new album with the title song ‘Metal Gods’ – a weighty one helluva foot stomping anthemic feel rising high in the air! As are clenched fists too, punching hard to salute a bombastic barrage of jaw dropping heavy metal, Dream Evil making lyrical references to some of metals biggest gods – the likes of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Saxon and Manowar! And what about that chorus too – “Metal Gods, they are made of metal, Metal Gods, dressed in chains and leather…bow your heads down to the righteous and mighty Metal Gods”. Fucking hell guys, that’s one hell of a rabble rousing call to arms chorus that every single metalhead around the world is gonna scream and shout as loud as is humanely possible. What a superb opening salvo to whet the appetites of every listener for more, the band delivering more, much more – ‘Chosen Force’ entering the fray with an increased level of energy and oomph! The power driven style of heavy metal here is fucking sensational, Dream Evil marching on with shoulders back and head held high – the ground shuddering under the immense force exerted by ‘Chosen Force’. And another chorus to die for, the catchiness unbelievably err, catchy!

An opening brace to cement Dream Evil’s position as a formidable force in the worldwide heavy metal arena, the seven year “silence” since the bands previous album doesn’t seem to have affected the Swedish metallers drive or desire – ‘Metal Gods’ (the album) changing through the gears to accelerate hard with ‘The Tyrant Dies At Dawn’. The pace, power and purpose are all top level, ‘The Tyrant Dies At Dawn’ settling down into a mid paced mid tempo thunder-stomp of the highest order, only for blistering pace to return across the chorus break! And after just three songs in, Dream Evil have roared into contention for Album Of The Year, the opening treble setting the world on fucking fire! A fire that rages on with the simply stunning ‘Lightning Strikes’ – there’s just no other word for it! Well maybe staggering, or outstanding, marvellous, thrilling, out of this world and fucking gorgeous! ‘Lightning Strikes’ is the epitome of fast paced melodic heavy metal, the band taking the best ‘Maiden and ‘Priest have to offer, and adding their own special ingredient! Which I wish I knew, but similar to KFC’s legendary “eleven herbs and spices”, it’s a secret – a trade secret!

The first four songs have been nothing short of orgasmic, this listener very close to busting a nut over the heavy come power metal that’s pouring outta my speakers – ‘Fight In The Night’ pushing me right over the edge! The guitar tone here is fucking glorious, the power driven traditional metal gallop sliding into my ears is the stuff of teenage wet dreams, Dream Evil continuing to deliver a mouth watering array of heavy metal. And it’s not just mouths that’ll be watering either, come on ladies, time for you to enjoy the excitement too – excitement which just gets higher and higher courtesy of the dazzling, drop-dead gorgeous ‘Masters Of Arms’. And if I thought the guitar tone of the previous song was glorious, the one here is simply sublime, the Swedish metal powerhouse delivering some of the finest heavy metal since the turn of the century! Maybe even further back than that!

I’m in extreme danger of running out of superlatives to describe what I’m hearing right now, excuse me for a moment while I grab my Thesaurus – okay readers, I’m back! And so are Dream Evil – pounding the ground harder than ever with the red hot scorching ‘Born In Hell’. The fastest song heard so far, the band plant their feet firmly on the metal monitor to adopt the iconic heavy metal pose – every listener, fan and follower raising clenched fists high in the air to salute a remarkable slice of heavy come power metal. And at over half way, can ‘Metal Gods’ (the album) get any better? You bet your bottom dollar it can! Or should that be krona! Either way, the insanely attractive metal rollercoaster rolls on with incredible grace as the band embody the classic sound of the iconic NWOBHM – ‘Insane’ pulsating with so many old school vibes, methinks if I close my eyes it’s gonna be 1984 once again, and I’m listening to such priceless gems as ‘Powerslave’ (Iron Maiden), ‘Defenders Of The Faith’ (Judas Priest), ‘Crusader’ (Saxon), ‘Heavy Metal Breakdown’ (Grave Digger), ‘Disillusion’ (Loudness), and ‘Burning The Witches’ (Warlock) all for the very first time!

But then I open my eyes and remember I’m 54 and not 14 and it’s actually 2024 – just where the fuck did the last forty fucking years go! Into history that’s where – and that’s exactly where Dream Evil and their seventh album ‘Metal Gods’ is gonna go too, standing as testament to how fucking great heavy metal is – and will always be as far as I’m concerned! And as far as ‘Metal Gods’ (the album) is concerned, it ain’t over yet, there’s still two more songs to go! The first of which ‘Night Stalker’, increases the power level higher than anywhere else on the album, the band driving forward with immense gusto – the chorus yet again, providing a spectacular opportunity for a crowd sing a long. Now there’s an old saying “everything must to come to an end”, and so does this album, but remember readers, there’s always the replay/repeat button to press! I know I’ll be pressing it for quite a long time to come yet – but just before I do, there’s one more song to enjoy, the albums final hurrah, the absolutely incredible ‘Y.A.N.A.’. Standing for “you are nothing at all”, ‘Y.A.N.A.’ is a melodic thunder stomp that’s gonna decimate towns and cities with extreme prejudice – yet despite all its ferocity and fierce persona, ‘Y.A.N.A.’ is also incredibly melodious with a stunning hymn-like aura and a massive anthemic edge.

Overall, a magical forty two minutes of metal featuring a stunning blend of traditional and power metal elements, ‘Metal Gods’ is sensational.


Metal Gods
Chosen Force
The Tyrant Dies At Dawn
Lightning Strikes
Fight In The Night
Masters Of Arms
Born In Hell
Night Stalker


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities

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