A Breach Of Silence Album Review: “Secrets”

Album Review By Barry Vest Sr


Some bands catch us by surprise and when you get to digging you realize that you are the last person to realize they exist.

That surprise is sometimes a welcome thing and other times you just want to smack yourself for not finding them sooner. This is such a case, and now I need the previous work and listen to it as well. However, I do not just listen. I soak it in all I can so that I can feel what the person who wrote it felt. I need to sometimes make sure I’m still human and feel like other people do. So now I fall into Secrets the latest album of A Breach of Silence and see what falls from my mind.

This album hits a lot of check boxes for me. It has attitude, direction, great hooks, and the most important thing, I keep listening. It is an infectious album that can’t be broken down into individual songs for me. When I listen to this album I listen to the whole thing and find I don’t grow tired of it.

To elevate my case I will bring to attention my feelings when I listen to it. I find that it merges several other bands’ signature sounds. I hear Rage against the Machine, Linkin Park, and others but mainly those two. Fortunately, I like both a lot. Rhys and Blair can harmonize well and the play against one another reminds me of a metal version of Linkin Park. It’s as though someone sat down and formulated a band I can listen to with my wife and still bang my head. Which is a hard thing to accomplish a lot of the time.

The band is very polished and with good reason as this is their third album since 2010. They really have something to say as well. It’s all about life’s seriously f’ed up scenarios and what to do with them. Every song seems to speak to someone and it explains the large fan base. I would put this on the lighter side of metal; however, it definitely isn’t a slouch. It has moments that reel you in as a metalhead.

The biggest difference here regarding being metal is the message behind the music. It works on and deals with inner problems and working them out. It is perfect music for those of us metalheads with issues. If you must have the heavier side of life, then Nightcrawler has some killer riffs and Fair Weather Friends starts out damn heavy and the beats are pretty killer on this track.

Now the further you get into the album the heavier it gets. It’s one of those bands that converts people over to heavy metal. Which, in my opinion is a great thing. Every band has their thing and lyrically I love what they have done here. Even though I have not broken this album down by track, as I normally do, it doesn’t mean I dislike anything I hear. It’s just hard to break down in that manner. Mainly because this album seems more of a story or better yet a way to work out aggressions and contemplate this crazy ass life we live.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this album as it will grow on you in different ways. Sometimes we just need that album that picks us up and dusts us off and reminds us we are all human and need a message shoved in our heads occasionally. In my present state of mind, it has helped with my depression and reminded me I am not the only one in pain. Everyone needs this album unless of course you are a diehard doom and gloom metal fan. I can see where this isn’t for everyone; however, in my life it fits and I dare say it will help others. So, thank you A Breach of Silence for pulling me up.


Falling Away
Ride or Die
Fair Weather Friends
Buzz Killington
The Revelator
A Better Place
Shameless (The Weekend)
Sugar and Spice
Falling Away- Clean Version
Fair Weather Friends- Clean Version
Shameless- Clean Version

A Breach Of Silence are:

Mat Cosgrove (Guitar)
Blair Layt (Bass/Vocals)
Rhys Flannery (lead Vocals)
Kerrod Dabelstein (Guitar)


This review is the property of Barry Vest Sr and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.