AGARTHIC Album Review: “The Inner Side”

“The Inner Side”
Album Review by The Metal Disciple


Hailing from northern Italy comes symphonic heavy metallers Agarthic. The band was founded in 2019 by friends Mattia Gosetti [Bass & Composer] and Valeriano De Zordo [Vocals], and is completed by Jesai Fiabane [Guitars] and Denis Novello [Drums].

With both Mattia and Valeriano’s friendship forming from a joint passion of the arts and theatrical shows, as well as writing musical stories, Agarthic was formed with the intention of portraying a more symphonic and theatrical blend of music. The following year (2020) saw this quartet signed to the mighty Frontiers Music roster, and debut album “The Inner Side” was recorded under the direction of producer Aido Lonobile [Secret Sphere, Archon Angel, Timo Tolkki’s Avalon], which was released late last year.

Containing eleven tracks, “The Inner Side” is an ambitious project to say the least. Clocking in at an hour and thirty-six seconds, the album certainly requires patience and perseverance if you’re to unfold the mysteries to be discovered from within. The eleven chapters come together to offer the listener Valeriano’s dream of knowing about the ancient legends and mysteries about the forgotten history of planet earth, which have been put together alongside Mattia’s passion of writing musical stories, as well as creating soundtracks for romantic adventures and fascinating places. And, that’s what “The Inner Side” has to offer. The music contained within the eleven chapters is a culmination of the two friends’ dreams and talents, as well as the additional musical chops of Jesai and Denis, which forms a wonderful sound inspired by the nature that surrounds this quartet. Think of the Dolomites, a mountain range in Italy. That’s the vision. Add in the music, and what you get is an album that tells stories of fantasy and the mysteries of humanity, and what can be heard is a beautifully romantic and absorbing collection of songs.

The journey begins with “The Beginning Of It All”, before the quartet launch straight into the marvellous “The Ancient Secret Scroll”. Your ears are immediately made aware of the wonderful vocals of Valeriano, as this singer allows his gift to take centre stage. The higher notes that he reaches, seemingly with ease, are a delight to the ears, as they add an element of mystery and beauty to the music, which continues with the heavy “A Journey To The End Of The World”.

Driven by a delightfully heavy rhythm, “A Journey To The End Of The World” rumbles along with punishing riffs, pounding drums, and earthquake-inducing bass lines. However, just as you’re getting into the groove, the band changes tempo for the slower “A Heaven Inside The Earth”. This five-and-a-half minute heavy power ballad contains an element of glory, and Jesai’s guitars sound utterly glorious throughout. His heavy riffage announces the arrival of “Through The Mystical Forest”, before the rhythm section of Mattia and Denis join proceedings to drive this epic number forward. Once again, Valeriano’s vocals appear to take over the reins, leaving you asking if they were deliberately added higher in the mixing of the album, or are just THAT powerful!

Regardless, this foursome continue the story with the sixth chapter “Message From The Gods”, which is pure ear candy. The driving bass lines from Mattia are delightful and are accompanied perfectly with Denis’ drumming. Yet, it’s Jesai’s guitar solos that’ll have you strumming along on your air-guitar with a stupid grin on your face, before more punishing riffs lead you into “Back Home”. This six minute plus monster has one of those rhythms that obliges you to headbang in sheer delight, as Mattia and co serve up one of the best songs on the album in style. I repeat the track, before moving on to the rather unique “Negotiations Failed”, before being compelled to “Escape To Antarctica”. Close your eyes, take in the scenery, and allow Agarthic to send shivers down your spine with an epic blend of progressive, symphonic, and heavy metal. This tune is bombastic, brilliant, and beautiful! It’ll have your heart racing, while your mind is filled with images depicting the mysteries of Antarctica, and your ears filled with the sounds of these talented Italians.

“Last Journey” is the penultimate number in this collection of tunes, which sees proceedings slow down to a crawling rhythm as the band walk beside you towards “Illuminati’s Reign”. At almost ten minutes in length, “Illuminati’s Reign” is a monstrous track of epic proportions. It’s utterly delightful, one of a kind, the centre-piece of the album. Everything previously heard all leads to “Illuminati’s Reign”, as Agarthic bring the curtain down on the story of “The Inner Side” to a rapturous applause.

They say that patience is a virtue. And, in the case of “The Inner Side”, this statement is true. There’s a lot going on throughout the eleven chapters of this album, this story. For some, like myself, several listens of the album were required in order for its beauty to be revealed. The album is mysterious and beautiful, bombastic yet brilliant. The music’s over-the-top, more suited to the theatre rather than a music venue and a CD. However, the more you listen, the more those mysteries reveal themselves, and the more you’ll fall in love. Patient listening will become joyful repeated plays. So, buy it, sit back and take a journey to “The Inner Side”.


The Beginning Of All
The Ancient Secret Scroll
A Journey To The End Of The World
A Heaven Inside This Earth
Through The Mystical Forest
Message From The Gods
Back Home
Negotiations Failed
Escape To Antarctica
Last Journey
Illuminati’s Reign

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