ARTABAN’S REDEMPTION E.P. Review: “Broken Puppets”

“Broken Puppets”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Artaban’s Redemption are a Spanish based power metal band formed in 2020 by guitarist Alvaro Weik (Unbound), releasing the five song E.P. ‘Broken Puppets’ in 2021. The band is completed by drummer Roberto Cappa (Dark Moor), bass player Francesco Ferraro (Freedom Call, Vexillum), keyboardist Elena Alonso (Lethargus), and vocalist Ivan Giannini (Vision Divine, Derdian).

With a sound heavily rooted in the European style of power metal, ‘Broken Puppets’ E.P. packs a hefty punch, scorching by in a little under thirty minutes. With five renowned metal musicians making up the band, you would expect quality and finesse – and that’s exactly what you get! Opening the E.P. with the six minute plus ‘Obsolete Tech’, Artaban’s Redemption are quickly into their stride – striding forth with pace, power, and intent. The sound of classic European power metal fills the air, as do fists raised high towards the sky.

‘Revolution’ chimes in at nearly eight minutes in length, opening in an anticipation filled, atmospherically mellow fashion – before changing gear and flying off at high velocity. The head bang ability is sky high, the infectious level right off the scale, and ‘Revolution’ is a thunder filled gallop. The shortest song on offer ‘Shutting Down’, is a feisty tirade of ferocious power metal. With more thunder than the opening double, ‘Shutting Down’ scorches by at an electrifying pace.

Dropping all pace and adopting a heavy melodic thud, ‘Time For War’ is a mean and moody foot stomp that veers very close to ballad territory – but stops just short in the majestic hymn-like zone instead. A little of the anthemic style is also layered over ‘Time For War’ as it marches on to a conclusion. Pace makes a welcome return in the mighty shape of the red hot ‘Never Again’. Flying at break neck speed, and offering the opportunity for vigorous head banging, ‘Never Again’ is a cracking finale to a very good debut.

Overall, a storming debut from a group of accomplished musicians, ‘Broken Puppets’ E.P. is a bombastic blast of classic sounding power metal.


Obsolete Tech
Shutting Down
Time For War
Never Again

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