ASOMVEL Album Review: “World Shaker”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Asomvel are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 1993. After a couple of demo releases and 2007’s ‘Full Moon Dog’ E.P. Asomvel released their debut full length album ‘Kamikaze’ in 2009. The bands second album ‘Knuckle Duster’ was released in 2013, with their third album ‘World Shaker’, a 2019 release.

Well now, the cover of the new album from UK metallers Asomvel displays a menacing werewolf type creature ripping the world apart, yet when you open the album, you’re faced with a photo of, what looks like, a Motorhead tribute band. The three piece band have decked themselves out in clobber that resemble the UK icons, and the resemblance doesn’t end there either. The new album reeks of Motorhead influences, ranging from the vocal performance, to the punkish rhythms, and to the galloping rawness of every song. You’ll hear what I mean when you press play…

…and opening song ‘World Shaker’ rattles into life, sounding exactly like early eighties Motorhead. The resemblance is astonishing, and at this point I will stop making references to Motorhead and continue my review Motorhead free… Raucous, punk energy fuels the album, which gallops ahead with the thundering ‘True Believer’. A massive NWOBHM influence can be heard as ‘True Believer’ swaggers on, with one foot on the monitor and the other in the eighties. Energy levels do not drop one iota as ‘Payback’s A Bitch’ strides on with attitude and a little mild aggression. Taking a step over the border into the speed metal genre, ‘Runnin’ The Gauntlet’ flies like a rocket. Head bangingly furious, ‘Runnin’ The Gauntlet’ also delivers a chant style chorus. The early eighties NWOBHM sound rises to the surface with the mid tempo and fairly melodic ‘Reap The Whirlwind’, followed by the mid paced swagger of ‘The Law Is The Law’, the only song out of the eleven on offer to stretch past the four minute mark…

…indeed, the entire album is done and dusted in just thirty five minutes. The iconic buzzing guitar sound of the NWOBHM breathes life into ‘Steamroller’, and just like a steamroller, ‘Steamroller’ steams relentlessly on. The pace quickens and the album takes on a more frenetic feel, with the high velocity ‘Every Dog Has It’s Day’. ‘Railroaded’ may be one of the shortest songs on offer, but packs a weighty punch as it struts its stuff, with a glorious sing a long style chorus. ‘Smokescreen’ is mid eighties NWOBHM at its most glorious. The buzzing guitar sound synonymous with that era is wonderful as ‘Smokescreen’ scurries on by. Bringing the album to a close is the fastest song the album has to offer. ‘The Nightmare Ain’t Over’ blends thrash metal nuances with the traditional heavy metal sound to create a blistering finale to a very good album.

Overall, a highly Motorhead influenced gallop of punk tinged and foot on the monitor style heavy metal, Asomvel deliver an infectious album.


World Shaker
True Believer
Payback’s A Bitch
Runnin’ The Gauntlet
Reap The Whirlwind
The Law Is The Law
Every Dog Has Its Day
The Nightmare Ain’t Over

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