ATTRACTIVE CHAOS E.P. Review: “The Fire Between Us”

“The Fire Between Us”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Attractive Chaos are an Italian based melodic metal band formed in 2022 by bassist Pietro Paulo Lunesu (Even Flow, Wonders), vocalist Emma Elvaston (Beneath My Sins), and guitarist Clement Botz (Beneath My Sins), with Thomas Calegari (Asylum Pyre) on drums. The bands debut release is the E.P. ‘The Fire Between Us’…

…released in 2023, and featuring six songs of love, loyalty, desperation and despair! The band meld melodic metal with symphonic elements and balladry to deliver a warm yet powerful sound that is bold and majestic. And if chaos had a name, it would be Emma – but then the bands name would be Attractive Emma! Yet as silly as that sounds, it’s perfectly true! For Emma is attractive, and alluring too, her voice soaring to incredible heights – heights where only angels reside. A perfect place then for the singer wouldn’t you agree! But enough about me falling in love – there’s an E.P. to review! An E.P. that is brought to life with the gorgeous ‘Before You Hit The Ground’ – and an intro that hits hard, building a short crescendo before launching into the sultry vocals of Emma and a backdrop of hymn-like balladry. And as the mid tempo mid paced ‘Before You Hit The Ground’ progresses, it does switch a few more times from hard hitting to soft touching, all the while maintaining an air of stunning symphonic metal flair.

With more energy and a vibrant party feel, ‘Won & Lost’ is a majestic swagger of old school music hall mastery. The elegant meander back in time with regards to the sound is mind blowing, the band delivering the kinda tune that’s gonna involuntarily nod the heads and tap the feet of every single listener out there – even if they’re sleeping! ‘Won & Lost’ is simply that powerful! And from the powerful to the sublime – Attractive Chaos enter ballad territory with ‘Come To Me’, and a faultless vocal performance from Emma that would get a big nod of approval from every angel sat on their lofty perches way up high in the sky. And when Emma sings “come to me” – it’s like I’m in a trance, a hypnotic state, maybe a little lovesick too! For I would do anything she says, her voice having a mesmerising effect on me! Wonderful keyboards bring ‘Still Here’ to life with a serenity so calm it’s like the “calm before the storm”. The hymn-like vocals soar beautifully, the music floats effortlessly like an angel, and when male vocals enter via (guest vocalist) Mario Del Rio Escobedo (Erszebeth, Alia Tempora), the whole ambience takes on a totally different perspective! What a moment!

And moving along the spectrum, Attractive Chaos hit hard with ‘As You Are’ – and a mild thunderstorm of hard rocking metal! The hardest rocking, yet the most melodious too, once more showcasing Emma’s phenomenally powerful voice. And blimey – the mid song switch to male vocals and the bludgeoning change of tempo comes as the biggest surprise on offer! Well almost! And surely no need to tell you what! The sixth and final song on the E.P. ‘The Storm’, sees – or rather hears – the return of guest vocalist Mario Del Rio Escobedo. And what a storm ‘The Storm’ whips up – the pulsating rhythm grabbing your attention and never letting go. The switching of female and male vocals keeps you on your toes, wondering who will feature next – and then they both do! ‘The Storm’ is a thundering climax to the bands debut release. A release that has seen hymn-like balladry perform alongside symphonic metal, with touches of hard rock, power, and traditional metal thrown in too – ‘The Fire Between Us’ E.P. offering something for everyone.

Overall, a bold and majestic six song stroll of divine melodic power come symphonic metal with a soaring vocal performance.


Before You Hit The Ground
Won & Lost
Come To Me
Still Here
As You Are
The Storm

This review is the property of Iron Mathew, and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities