BARREL E.P. Review: “Unanticipated Confessions Of Love”

“Unanticipated Confessions Of Love”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Barrel are a metal band from Finland featuring Valtteri (vocals), Janne (guitar), Vellu (bass), Honkku (drums), and Joonas (guitar). The bands debut E.P. ‘Bullet With Your Name’, was released in 2022, with a second E.P ‘Unanticipated Confessions Of Love’, emerging in 2023.

The four piece band that burst onto the metal scene last year, have grown to a five piece with the addition of a second guitarist for the bands second outing, sophomore E.P. ‘Unanticipated Confessions Of Love’ – a sort of concept E.P. that explores the dark sides of love. Barrel are in mean mood, pounding the ground hard with immense heaviness, blending the power driven metal style of Judas Priest with the iconic doom laden barrage of Black Sabbath for opener ‘Ed’.

A surge of pace and an extra ounce of power emanates from the speakers as Barrel shift tempo and feel for ‘Man Of The Book’, returning the aura of melodic thrash metal as heard on last years ‘Bullet With Your Name’ E.P. – think some of the erm, umm, mellower moments on Metallica’s 1991 black album as reference to the sound of ‘Man Of The Book’.

The third and final song on the E.P. ‘Will It Take The Void’, is by far and away the longest on offer, clocking in at nearly seven minutes in length! And closes the E.P. in a much darker mood than heard so far – the heavy doom laden foot stomp louder and more menacing than ever. Yet the band change pace and tempo, planting one foot firmly on the monitor, echoing the iconic gallop of classic sounding traditional heavy metal.

Overall, a thundering march of heavy metal featuring a myriad of styles from Judas Priest to Black Sabbath and Metallica.


Man Of The Book
Will It Take The Void

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