BATTLE BORN Single Review: “Fire Storm”

“Fire Storm”
Single Review by Iron Mathew


Battle Born are a power metal band from the UK formed in 2018, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Battle Born’ in 2020 – and in 2022, have released a new single ‘Fire Storm’ to coincide with the bands autumn tour of the UK.

‘Fire Storm’ is the first glimpse of what to expect from the band in 2023, with rumours of a debut full length album emerging next year too – an album that is surely gonna be one of the years most anticipated releases.

For Battle Borns musical preference is to deliver energetic and fast paced power metal – as heard on the bands self titled E.P. released just two years ago, with a re-mastered version, including an extra bonus song, emerging earlier this year.

As for ‘Fire Storm’ – an elegant and up tempo thunderstorm of infectious traditional heavy come power metal with a hundred percent head bang ability. And if ‘Fire Storm’ truly is a sign of things to come, I for one can’t wait for the debut album.

Overall, a red hot scorcher, ‘Fire Storm’ is an exciting and energetic gallop of melodic power metal.


Fire Storm

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