BLIND GUARDIAN Album Review: “The God Machine”

“The God Machine”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Blind Guardian are a power metal band from Germany formed in the eighties by vocalist Hansi Kursch and guitarist Andre Olbrich. The band are one in a long line of pioneering power metal bands to emerge from Germany – following bands such as Accept and Helloween – remaining at the forefront of the power metal genre for over three decades. Releasing twelve albums during this time, Blind Guardian have progressed from the speed metal leanings of their debut (‘Battalions Of Fear’, 1988) to the majestic power metal swagger and huge orchestral arrangements of their latest opus ‘The God Machine’ released in 2022.

Featuring nine songs over a fifty minute play time, ‘The God Machine’ is everything you could ever want from a power metal album. It has fast, anthemic, and hymn-like songs. It has Blind Guardian’s trademark sound. And it will grab your attention and hold it for the entire fifty fabulous minutes! Opening with the thrusting ‘Deliver Us From Evil’, Blind Guardian are quickly into their stride, crushing the airways with an air of majestic authority. The pace and power of ‘Deliver Us From Evil’ is incredible, the band losing none of their energy and zest despite their lengthy career. A much more epic and bold nature takes over the album as ‘Damnation’ begins, only for a thunderous power metal avalanche to come crashing in like a wrecking ball in full flight! The band powering on like a rocket easing into space – effortless and in total control. And to be homiest, Blind Guardian need no introduction – their music as recognisable as your own face in a mirror, with Kursch’s voice as unique as you can get.

At seven and a half minutes in length ‘Secrets Of The American Gods’ is the longest song on offer, and is an elegant, high tempo hymn-like swagger. The band mix orchestral with cinematic and theatrical nuances to create a superb sound – a sound that is attractive, addictive, and highly infectious. Even a little anthemic at times too! Blind Guardian are proving – if it really needs proved – why they have remained at the forefront of the worldwide power metal scene for all these years. They are masters of what they do, and are still a leading light, showing the way for many of the new power metal bands that emerge every year. And with a dramatic increase in speed, ‘Violent Shadows’ becomes the fastest song heard so far. Metal heads the world over are gonna go crazy for this one – the pace and power combined with a high level of fire and brimstone makes for an insanely high level of head bang ability! Bringing a menacing vibe to the album, ‘Life Beyond The Spheres’ has a scary intro that builds to a crescendo, resolving to become a foot stomping slab of very heavy hymn-like heavy metal. The anthemic style also shines through as ‘Life Beyond The Spheres’ pulsates with menace from beginning to end.

Despite having doom in its title, ‘Architects Of Doom’ is nowhere near the doom style of metal – in fact, almost at the other end of the scale! For ‘Architects Of Doom’ is a fast and furious gallop of all out speed, taunting the listener with top notch power metal to head bang hard to! The pace and power is phenomenal, totally synonymous with the power metal genre. And if you’ve never listened to any power metal ever in your life…then Blind Guardian is not a bad place to start (followed by Helloween and Accept). A much more mellower feel descends upon the album as ‘Let It Be No More’ glides gently into sight adopting the feel of a power ballad, with regular readers knowing my stance regarding ballads appearing on metal albums! But there’s something about ‘Let It Be No More’ that transcends mere balladry – maybe it’s the hymn-like majesty, or the epic atmosphere, or simply the fact that it’s Blind Guardian – and they can carry off any style of metal they like.

But back to red hot scorching speed with ‘Blood Of The Elves’. The band increasing the pace to top gear with total aplomb, flying by at high velocity and causing the heads of metal heads to rock back and forth at an extremely high rate. The blinding pace is phenomenal – and if you haven’t warmed up your neck muscles properly, they may be in danger of snapping! Just a friendly warning. A very good album is brought to a close with the majestic mid tempo march of ‘Destiny’, and the elegant hymn-like nature that can only be Blind Guardian. The bold and over powering oomph is incredible, the high energy levels and cinematic aura is of the tallest order. The band not letting you down for a single second, ‘The God Machine’ a cracking album of pure power metal.

Overall, top drawer power metal from a legend of the genre – Blind Guardian are on top form delivering an album of infectious metal.


Deliver Us From Evil
Secrets Of The American Gods
Violent Shadows
Life Beyond The Spheres
Architects Of Doom
Let It Be No More
Blood Of The Elves

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities