BRONZE Album Review: “In Chains And Shadows”

“In Chains And Shadows”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Bronze are an internationally based heavy metal band founded in 2010 by Mina Walkure (vocals) and her brother Lap (bass) – the bands line-up completed by multi-instrumentalist Cederick Forsberg (Blazon Stone, Cloven Altar, Rocka Rollas, ex Palantir, ex Runelord) and drummer Billy Qvarnstrom.

Releasing the bands debut album ‘Gods Of Death’ in 2020 under the name Kramp, the band changed their name to Bronze in 2023, releasing ‘In Chains And Shadows’ the following year. Featuring nine songs across just thirty two minutes, the band plant their feet firmly on the traditional heavy metal monitor, ‘In Chains And Shadows’ roaring into life with ‘Fool’…

…Bronze very quickly into their stride. The power and oomph oozing out of ‘Fool’ is emphatic, every metalhead around the world sitting up to take notice of an immediately likeable tune – a tune that smells immensely strong of the old school! You remember the old school don’t you – it’s the time during the eighties when the heavy metal rule book was written by legends of the genre Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Raven and Saxon. And with a dramatic upturn in speed, ‘Time Covers No Lies’ roars off at full throttle, the band banging the head of every single listener, fan and follower. Not gently either – ‘Time Covers No Lies’ deserving of a vigorous head bang, the purpose and intent here, simply phenomenal! Title song ‘In Chains And Shadows’ enters the fray with a mild pirate feel ala legends of pirate metal Running Wild, the happy mood inducing swagger of the German metallers echoed perfectly by Bronze. And at a more mid tempo pace than either of the albums opening two songs!

And the glorious guitar tone of the NWOBHM evolution rises high in the air as ‘In Chains And Shadows’ (the album) powers on with the highly head bang-able ‘Maze Of Haze’ – the band recreating the sound of my youth when all I had on constant replay were the likes of ‘Maiden and ‘Priest. Oh wonderful days – and when a band comes along that reminds me of such a wonderful time, I go all googly-eyed with excited amazement! A state I remain in for ‘Tale Of Revenge’, bringing the mild pirate feel back to the fore, the mid tempo march nothing short of sensational! Bronze have roamed all over the heavy metal genre to deliver a first (album) half of immense variation – so let’s see, or rather hear, what the second half has in store, the band not wavering from the pirate feel courtesy of ‘Jackals Of The Sea’. More hustle and bustle than any other song heard so far, the swagger is insanely huge, a raging party metal aura descending upon the album.

And with ‘Samurai’ comes an anthemic thump, Bronze adopting a mighty mid tempo march as the ground shudders under the bombastic barrage – ‘In Chains And Shadows’ (the album) continuing its impressive meander of metal territory. As I mentioned earlier, the variety on offer is immense, the band reaching into all four corners of the heavy metal genre, the album storming on with the blistering speed of ‘Realm Of The Damned’ – the level of head bang ability shooting right through the fucking roof! The band are at their most intense here, sending every mosh pit into overdrive with an absolute scorcher! Bringing the album to a close, the smell of old school rises high in the air once again, as ‘Tyrant’s Spell’ plants both feet firmly on the monitor, Bronze galloping forth like it’s the nineteen eighties all over again.

Overall, a fast paced and hugely head bang-able album with tonnes of energy and a sky high infectious level.


Time Covers No Lies
In Chains And Shadows
Maze Of Haze
Tale Of Revenge
Jackals Of The Sea
Realm Of The Damned
Tyrant’s Spell

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities