CEASELESS TORMENT Album Review: “Victory Or Death”

“Victory Or Death”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Ceaseless Torment are a thrash metal band from Finland formed in 2008 releasing three albums to date – ‘The End They Bring’ (2014), ‘Forces Of Evil’ (2017), and ‘Victory Or Death’ released in 2022…

…featuring nine blistering thrash metal songs in just thirty six minutes! The bands brand of thrash is full of brutal aggression and menace, with every song on offer guaranteed to engage the worlds mosh pits in fierce and frantic head banging. Album opener ‘Final Sacrifice’ hurtles into view, and is an immense torrent of speed. The levels of aggression and anger shoot right through the fucking roof, as Ceaseless Torment revel in the raucous rage they’re delivering from the off! What an explosive start – a start that continues to burn fiercely with ‘Beyond The Boundaries Of Sanity’, and an electrifying pace that may just shatter the world land speed record. And for this type of brutal thrash, the growling howl of a vocal performance is spot on. Ears are not safe, so prepare yourselves for more pain than ever, as the band storm on with the Slayer-esque ‘All Be Dead’ – and a rough and ready thrash metal march. Not as quick as the opening double salvo, but what it lacks in pace it more than makes up for in heaviness…

…that is until almost two minutes in, when all fucking hell breaks loose! Incredible speed lights up ‘All Be Dead’ which sees the band frantically foraging forth, blitzing everything and everyone that stands in its way. At just two minutes and thirty eight seconds, ‘Killing Commands’ is the shortest song on offer, yet most likely also the fastest. The phenomenal speed is gonna wreck necks for fun, the moshers of the world trying to head bang faster than ever before just to try and keep up with the songs incredibly high velocity. Yea – good luck with that! And maintaining the albums stunning pace and power, ‘Funeral Pyre’ is as quick as anything heard so far – maybe even quicker! For Ceaseless Torment are unrelenting in their speedy thrash metal attack – the vicious nature of their music simply incredible.

The title song – or what I presume to be the title song – ‘Only Victory Or Death’, is a merciless march of thundering thrash. The band not slowing down an inch – the incredible speed of the album remaining in top gear. And the savage barrage of unrelenting brutality just doesn’t know when to stop – Ceaseless Torment pounding the listener with a level of bone snapping severity not felt before. Raging like an out of control inferno, ‘Sons Of Sodom’ is delivered at break neck speed, the moshers of the world continuing in their vain attempt to keep pace! The muscles of the neck stretched to unbearable limits as heads rock back and forth faster than is humanely possible.

And with just two songs left to go, the band show absolutely no sign of hitting the brakes, ‘Obsession Possession’ the next aural avalanche of incredible power and pace. ‘Victory Or Death’ has been a stunning storm of aggression fuelled fire and brimstone, with Ceaseless Torment apparently unstoppable in their savage quest to deliver some of the fastest thrash metal ever! ‘Slaves Of Hell’ – clocking in at an incredible six and a half minutes in length, two and a half times longer than the shortest song on offer – is an epic march of thrash. All speed has dissipated in favour of a heavy, sinister foot stomp and a crescendo building wall of menace. And then at two and a half minutes in, ‘Slaves Of Hell’ explodes into life and we’re thrashing hard once again as the incredible speed returns for one last hurrah.

Overall, a breathless rampage of all out brutality and aggression, ‘Victory Or Death’ is a neck breaking barrage of thrash metal.


Final Sacrifice
Beyond The Boundaries Of Sanity
All Be Dead
Killing Commands
Funeral Pyre
Only Victory Or Death
Sons Of Sodom
Obsession Possession
Slaves Of Hell


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities