“Reborn In Flames”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Chris Boltendahl’s Steelhammer are a power metal band from Germany, formed by err, Chris Boltendahl (Grave Digger, Hellryder) in 2023, releasing the bands debut album ‘Reborn In Flames’ (also) in 2023.

Legendary metal vocalist Chris Boltendahl is well known to millions as the lead singer for German metallers Grave Digger, having led the band from the front for over forty years! And now the man with the unmistakeable throaty roar, is all set to release his debut solo album, under the banner of Steelhammer. Featuring ten songs very much rooted in the power metal genre, Boltendahl has surrounded himself with some world class musicians – guitarist Tobias Kersting (ex Orden Ogan), drummer Patrick Klose (Iron Savior), and bass player Lars Schneider (ex Ordan Ogan). The album opens with the title song ‘Reborn In Flames’, an atmospheric yet very heavy opening filled to the brim with anticipation and expectation, turns into one of the heaviest foot stomps you’re ever likely to hear – the pace quickening as ‘Reborn In Flames’ (the song) progresses. A simply superb opener, but then after listening to Grave Digger for over four decades, I’d expect nothing less from the bands legendary frontman.

Emphatically picking up the pace and intensity, ‘Fire Angel’ roars off like a rocket taking off on a space mission – the band powering on with a colossal amount of energy! Vigorous head banging will accompany ‘Fire Angel’, Steelhammer catering for the worlds army of head bangers – an army that definitely includes me! A cracking opening one-two, the album roars on with the most melodious song heard so far, ‘Beyond The Black Souls’ planting both feet firmly on the monitor. Steelhammer are just that – a steel hammer delivering blows of the utmost heaviness! ‘Reborn In Flames’ (the album) is a masterclass in how to deliver ultra heavy power metal – and I say that with total confidence even though we’re only three songs in! Moving into anthemic metal territory, ‘Gods Of Steel’ boasts a thunderous rabble rousing call to arms feel coupled with a slight hymn-like nature – the band maintaining the albums “totally metal” approach. Just what the doctor ordered when you’re a metalhead through and through!

Blistering pace returns en mass for the speedy ‘Die For Your Sins’, belting down the autobahn at incredible velocity. Ignoring speed limits and the local polizei, ‘Die For Your Sins’ is gonna have every mosh pit around the world head banging furiously! This is how power come heavy metal should sound – the album moving stealthily on with the doom laden ‘Let The Evil Rise’. And when I say doom laden, I mean a meld of legendary bands Black Sabbath and Dio – so that’s doom, traditional, and melodic power metal all wrapped in a coating of the anthemic! Can ‘Reborn In Flames’ (the album) get any better? You bet it can! ‘Out Of The Ruins’ entering the fray in the most emphatic way – portraying a ground shuddering foot stomp! And as ‘Out Of The Ruins’ progresses, the foot stomp becomes more furious, shaking buildings and crumbling walls to leave just desolation and ruins in its wake!

And now for an anthem that could easily pass as the title of my autobiography – ‘I Am Metal’ thundering into view and galloping off at a ferocious speed! The pace of ‘I Am Metal’ is stunning, banging heads wherever it’s heard and played. And the chant style chorus too – simply glorious. All together now “I, I am metal”. And I think I just wet myself too! A barnstorming album continues with a return to the mid tempo anthemic style of power metal courtesy of the heavy hitting ‘The Hammer That Kills’. ‘Reborn In Flames’ (the album) is at its most majestic here, striding tall and proud with shoulders back and head held high! Bringing the album to a close, ‘Iron Christ’ is a blistering final hurrah, full of pace, aggression, and a head bang ability second to none! Steelhammer, and Chris Boltendahl, have just charged into contention for the Album Of The Year title – a late charge maybe, but one I defintiely wouldn’t rule out.

Overall, a barnstorming and bombastic barrage of power come heavy metal with an immense melodious intent and a colossal head bang ability.


Reborn In Flames
Fire Angel
Beyond The Black Souls
Gods Of Steel
Die For Your Sins
Let The Evil Rise
Out Of The Ruins
I Am Metal
The Hammer That Kills
Iron Christ

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities