CITY OF THIEVES Album Review: “Beast Reality”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


I’ve got a letter to my pen-pal that I need to write, (how many of you can honestly say that you put pen to paper, to write a letter to someone these days? It’s a dying past-time, but a good one) but first, before that I am going to sit down with some cheese & ham rolls, a nice warm cuppa and give London’s City Of Thieves a listen.

Formed in the capital city of the United Kingdom in 2015, City Of Thieves, consisting of Jamie Lailey – bass and vocals, Adam Wardle – guitar, Ben Austwick – guitar and Will Richards – drums, have gained themselves a good reputation on the live circuit and teamed up with producer Toby Jepson (Little Angels) and mixer Mike Fraser (who has previously worked with bands such as Metallica, Aerosmith & Slipknot) to create this, their debut album, “Beast Reality”.

With a running time of 40:52, the twelve songs here are great, good, catchy rock ‘n’ roll songs, with heavy, modern produced guitars playing some great driving riffs and providing solos aplenty and you can see why the radio station, Planet Rock, playlisted City Of Thieves’ song, “Incinerator” (track 6 on the album).

Jamie Lailey’s vocals are gruff, and the production is raw, yet crisp at the same time, which really benefits the classic Guns ‘N’ Roses meets Black Stone Cherry, no-nonsense heavy rock on display here.

The band sound like they would be equally at home in a club or a stadium. Everyone gets the chance to shine and at no point do you feel short changed or does the band outstay it’s welcome.

“Beast Reality” is a stunning debut, dare I say, a future classic, from a band that have a lot to offer and should be an arena filling behemoth one day, if there is any justice left in this world.


1. Reality Bites 
2. Fuel And Alcohol
3. Buzzed Up City
4. Lay Me To Waste
5. Control
6. Incinerator
7. Animal
8. Right To Silence
9. Born To Be Great
10. Damage

This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.