CRAZY LIXX Album Review: “Street Lethal”

“Street Lethal”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Crazy Lixx are a hard rock band from Sweden formed in 2002, releasing their debut album ‘Loud Minority’ in 2007. Three more studio albums followed in quick succession – ‘New Religion’ (2010), ‘Riot Avenue’ (2012), and ‘Crazy Lixx’ (2014) – with the band releasing ‘Ruff Justice’ in 2017. ‘Forever Wild’ is the bands sixth studio album and was released in 2019. Crazy Lixx appear to be a non-stoppable hard rocking machine – the band releasing their seventh full length album ‘Street Lethal’ in 2021…

…forty minutes of heavy hitting hard rock from the country that has given the world some of the greatest rock and metal bands ever! Crazy Lixx have been in existence for almost twenty years – releasing just the one album during their first ten! So that means an incredible six albums released during their second ten years…a sign of a band well and truly on the rise. And a meteoric one at that. Crazy Lixx embody everything the pioneering hard rock bands of the eighties gave the world, bands such as Bon Jovi and Motley Crue, and fellow countrymen Treat and Europe.

Opening instrumental ‘Enter The Dojo’ slants toward Japan in terms of its sound, building to a climactic crescendo in just one minute! The air of anticipation is sky high, as ‘Rise Above’ explodes into life, hitting hard with raucous riffing and a feel good party vibe. And when the chorus hits – wow! Catchy, infectious and sing a long-able – Crazy Lixx are back (did they ever really go away) and firing on all cylinders. ‘Anthem For America’ is anthemic stadium rock of the most bombastic nature. Big riffing and punchy, ‘Anthem For America’ is gonna have everyone up on their feet and singing along. What a song, and what energy! And oh my God, as if the previous song wasn’t big enough to fill out a stadium, ‘The Power’ definitely is! Stadium rock has just gotten even bigger – Crazy Lixx are living proof. The time for bands like ‘Jovi, ‘Crue, are over – there’s a new kid in the arena of stadium rock that are gonna rule the roost now.

Picking up the pace and taking the party to the head banging rockers, ‘Reach Out’ is an up tempo and energetic slab of happy mood inducing hard rock. Everything Crazy Lixx do seems to be full of happiness and joy – and nothing they do is ever wrong. Over the five years I have known of the band, which (now) includes three album reviews, the Swedish outfit have just gotten better and better. World dominance can only be inches away now! The two minute instrumental ‘Final Fury’, is a tension filled intro that builds a frenzied anticipation for the albums barnstorming title song ‘Street Lethal’. Pace, power, and the biggest of bombastic barrages devour the airways, sending pulses racing and hearts pounding. ‘Street Lethal’ (the song) has so much energy it’s amazing the band haven’t conked out yet – with still half an album left to run! ‘Caught Between The Rock N’ Roll’ takes on an Aerosmith style swagger, incorporating a little of the blues and Southern rock too. Crazy Lizz are not content to just stand in the hard rock genre – they are prepared to spread their wings and venture into other styles of rock. And the effect is amazing.

And here comes the power ballad – ‘In The Middle Of Nothing’ is an emotion driven slice of balladry that is gonna have an entire audience waving their arms high in the air and from side to side. Hell, it’s not just an audience, it’s the listeners all over the world too. The infectious level of ‘In The Middle Of Nothing’ is simply phenomenal. And here we go again on another highly energetic romp – ‘One Fire – One Goal’ a heavy hitting and up tempo march of solid hard rock. As I mentioned earlier, Crazy Lixx have gotten better over the years and are now an astounding rock band, with a superb album in their hands. I think we have a world class replacement here for the likes of Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Motley Crue and even possibly, maybe, Kiss…provided Crazy Lixx remain around for the next couple of decades! The album is brought to a close with the seven minutes plus epic ‘Thief In The Night’. Mixing elements of AOR with their hard rock roots, the band deliver a curtain call of the highest standard, reinforcing their position as one of the worlds top rock bands. Not to mention one of the most exciting bands around too, with their brand of high energy, up tempo party rock. What a band and what an album.

Overall, a superb album of pulsating hard rock from a band that are hungry, passionate, and determined to be the best. And I reckon they could well be.


Enter The Dojo
Rise Above
Anthem For America
The Power
Reach Out
Final Fury
Street Lethal
Caught Between The Rock N’ Roll
In The Middle Of Nothing
One Fire – One Goal
Thief In The Night

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities