DAMAGE S.F.P. Album Review: “Damage S.F.P.”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Damage S.F.P. are a thrash/death/speed metal band from Finland, originally formed in 1989, releasing four demos throughout the nineties, and their debut self titled album in 2019.

Brutal, bold and brash, Damage S.F.P. deliver a barrage of savagery that may land you in A&E. Their debut album is an aggressive beating, a severe shredding of the senses and a fucking phenomenal forty minutes of face melting thrash. ‘Ride’ gets the album off to a ferocious start with an avalanche of brutality. Pummelling the senses into submission ‘Ride’ is an intense nuclear explosion, leaving only desolation in its wake. The nuclear fallout from the opening salvo runs amok with the menacing and highly incendiary ‘Death Of Innocent’. Hitting harder than an MMA fighting champion, ‘Death Of Innocent’ is gonna leave you battered and bruised… But in a good way! The punishment dished out by Damage S.F.P. over the opening two songs is savage, a savagery that relentlessly rolls on with ‘Ruthless Fate’. Emanating an early eighties Metallica feel, ‘Ruthless Fate’ is a thundering thrash metal anthem. ‘Tyrants’ is heavy on the riffage, heavier on the ferocity and is a high speed cacophony of brash thrash.

The albums vocals echo the grunt of bands such as Slayer, Kreator and Sepultura, the albums music echoing the aggressive style of Testament and Sodom. ‘Insomnium’ is a two minute mellow instrumental that leads into the very heavy, menacing and quite frightening ‘Ode To Sorrow’. The vicious growl of the bands singer will make you tremble with fear, sending lesser mortals diving for cover, while hardened mortals and life long veterans stand tall. Blistering pace lights up the album as ‘Tragedy’ takes off at full flight. Aggressive and ferocious in equal measures, ‘Tragedy’ is a speed metal, thrash metal, death metal mix of top quality. Just how fucking quick can this album get? Much, is the short answer, with the ferocious and fierce gallop of ‘Grain Brain’ racing off at sound barrier breaking speed. Melding their classic thrash/death metal sound with touches of punk and hardcore, ‘Grain Brain’ is raucous and rough.

Crying for relief is what all those souls hiding behind sofas and under covers may be asking Damage S.F.P. for, but the band are in no mood to give them relief, as ‘Crying For Relief’ steams into view and hurtles along at high velocity, destroying anything and everything that gets in its way. The classic Bay Area thrash metal sound is detectable in abundance, as ‘Crying For Relief’ furiously storms on by. ‘In Termination’ shudders the ground and shakes the walls as it rumbles on by. And just like a steam roller, it’s gonna flatten everything in its path. ‘In Termination’ is more mid paced than any other song on offer, yet stills packs a weighty punch. Bringing the savage journey to a close is the aggressive hustle and bustle of ‘Burst Of Rage’. An apt description for the album maybe, ‘Burst Of Rage’ is a feisty and fierce end to a raging album of ferocious and high speed thrash/death metal.

Overall, a savage barrage of brutality, a severe beating, a senses pounding and blood pumping forty minutes of full force aggressive thrash.


Death Of Innocent
Ruthless Fate
Ode To Sorrow
Grain Brain
Crying For Relief
In Termination
Burst Of Rage


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